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Troma presents: Shameless Tasteless


Troma’s dug deep into the depths of Ukraine’s smut factory to unleash this skeezy compilation of Soviet shorts from trash hound extraordinaire Yakov Levi.  All the shit sharin’, prostitute slangin’ and babushka fearin’ you could hope for is finally here.  Shameless Tasteless, features everything from anal dares gone wrong to dance floor abortions (gone right?) all while keeping about as classy as a blind hobo in woman’s lingerie department (“Can I try deeze ones on now?”)  Starring the grotesquely beautiful Baba Alla, who dances jives and struts her way through the majority of these shorts. Levi spins tales of prostitution (which is Ukraine’s number one export, as Levi proudly proclaims), teenage (and old age) debauchery, and Tromatique tonsil tossers.  You might need a barf bag for this, so make sure you tell

Dad not worry it’s not the flu, Mom’s Sheppard Pie or puberty, it’s just Shameless Tasteless. If you like Troma style humour with a touch of John Waters sex-appeal, this is not to be missed. Offering a guttural belch of life in the Ukraine, and serving up what essentially is the complete opposite of Pretty Woman, Levi makes whoring fun for the whole family.

Highlights include, Penisella, the petite Russian babe with the massive 12-inch schlong.  Her “burden” leaves her yearning for love, while leading her in all the wrong places. Guys just don’t seem to see her for who she truly is, all they see is a 12inch cock. Also included, is the babushka from hell. This sweet wittle wold waydey, is nothing like what she pretends to be. Hiding behind that sweet pirogue filled smile and her friendly demeanour, is a devilish desire for torture, abuse and life-long friendship aka kidnapping yo’ soul 4 life sucka! These plus the countless “ohh, you” Baba Alla moments are well worth the price of admission alone, however, there’s no way this film will ever play anywhere other than in your Dad’s nightmares, over and over again, so check out Troma’s website for more info.

– Detroit Burns