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Regular Show #1 is Another Hit for Kaboom!

Regular Show #1 is Another Hit for Kaboom!


Regular Show #1
Writers: KC Green, Brian Butler
Art: Allison Strejlau, Brian Butler
Colours: Lisa Moore, Maarta Laiho
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover(s): Nick Edwards, Nathan Fox, Phil McAndrew, John Allison, Jeremy Tinder, Chuck BB, Dustin Mguyen, Chris Houghton
Publisher: Kaboom! Comics

With Adventure Time! proving to be a sensation for Kaboom! Comics, it was only a matter of time before they began adapting more of Cartoon Network’s high-calibre comedy into comic book format. Why it took this long for Regular Show to be made is another story, but as with most things, quality takes time. Good thing all the wit and hijinks translate perfectly in Regular Show #1, the debut issue starring everyone’s favourite racoon and blue-jay.

While Adventure Time! teaches us the power of being righteous and using our imagination, Regular Show showcases the power of being lazy. Yes, the heroes of Regular Show, Rigby the Racoon and Mordecai the Blue Jay are two perpetual slacker’s who barely work at a resort and are always looking for an easy way out.

It’s because of this penchant for slackery that makes Regular Show such a unique and original comic. Each week, readers are bombarded with dark books dealing with heavy themes, with barely a chuckle in the mix. The first of issue of Regular Show deals with the dangers of mosh-pitting too much. It is a simple premise that yields terrific results thanks to KC Green’s great comedic timing. The character’s ‘bro-speak’ knock’s the punch-lines out of the park, but more than that, Green knows when to sit back and let the panels speak for itself.

Regularshow_01_preview_Page_08.jpgAllison Strejlau is certainly a talent readers should keep an eye on.  While she manages to nail Regular Show’s style perfectly, it’s when things get a little crazy that she truly shines. Once the mosh-pit starts at the folk concert, the droopy eyed stoners in attendance turn into rage filled menaces with the very earth cracking under their feet. It’s a gorgeous sequence that is not only hilarious, but mind-bendingly spectacular.

If one story isn’t enough for you, Regular Show #1 features a second mini-story after they main stories cliff-hanger ending. Written and drawn by Brian Butler, this story see’s the gang trying to take the perfect roller-coaster photo. It’s a tight little departure from the main storyline that gives the reader a couple chuckles and some creative use of paneling  It’s not much, but it works nicely.

Regular Show #1 is a great read for anybody out there looking to laugh. The art is creative, the stories are fresh and the tone of the show translates perfectly to page. Add to fact that Kaboom! has packed this issue with tonnes of variant covers and a bonus story, and you have a must-grab well worth the low price.
