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Thor: God of Thunder Concludes With Unbridled Ambition

Thor: God of Thunder Concludes With Unbridled Ambition


Thor: God of Thunder
Issues: 6-11
Art: Esad Ribic & Butch Guice
Colour: Ive Svorcina
Letter: VC’s Joe Sabino
Cover(s): Esad Ribic
Publisher: Marvel Comics

A lot can happen in a year. Since Marvel Now! started the world has undergone some pretty spectacular changes. Apple won its major lawsuit over Samsung, George Zimmerman was preparing for his trial, Avengers stormed the box office and Thor: God of Thunder hit the comic book shelves.

In one year, writer Jason Aaron has crafted one of the most ambitious titles to ever hit mainstream comics. The decision to include three generations of Thor’s life left many to wonder if Aaron had gotten too big for his britches. Yet, after last week’s conclusion to his Gorr the God Butcher saga, all the naysayers can do now is eat crow.

While I have previously and extensively covered the first half of the arc HERE, this will be a mildly spoiler-free look at the final chapters entitled The Godbomb. The arc kicks off with a solo tale of Gorr’s origins, and admittedly the only chink in the tales epic armour due mostly in part to Guice replacing Ribic for the issue. This serves as a testament to the strength of Ribic’s art and his impact on the series. Things do get quickly back on track as the full scope of Gorr’s plan comes into fruition in the next issues. What then follows is a story that transcends all of time and space.

THORGOT_prevJason Aaron is an excellent writer and he doesn’t need this series to prove it. While he may not have a perfect track record (few do) he accomplishes something that few thought possible; he sticks the landing. Yes, everything wraps up into a neat little package, but not only that, it properly sets Thor up for his next adventure without any hand holding. Unlike so many writers who use a conclusion to further their other properties (*cough* Bendis) Aaron ties up all the loose ends in a satisfying and hair raising manner. Not only that, but he managed to tell the most successful of all the Now! stories AND he concludes it without getting dragged it into an unwanted ‘event’.

Yet it’s not all over-the-top heroics and time travel. Aaron manages to throw in some surprisingly touching and heartfelt moments. The interactions between Gorr and his son add some depth to a seemingly shallow villain and the scene between Odin and his sons really tug at the heart strings. Because, after all, what is Thor story without him trying to please his father?

But Aaron wasn’t alone, and Esad Ribic deserves just as much praise for his incredible artistry. It seems that each issue is filled with fantastic imagery that will no doubt become iconic. From the meeting of the three Thor’s, to the final battle between Thor, wielding dual hammers, and Gorr, Ribic has set the bench mark for all Thor tales, past and present.

Thor: God of Thunder is a book worthy of a God. It’s ambitious in scope, brimming with heartfelt authenticity, and drawn to perfection. If the next arc manages to convey even a fraction of the talent on display here, then Aaron will undoubtedly leave readers saying ‘Simonson who?’
