This fall, one of Montreal’s most intriguing film festivals the Festival du Nouveau Cinema (FNC) offers sixteen films as part of their international showcase. This showcase provides a platform for fresh, personal and visionary films from around the world. Films in this competition come from Quebec, Morocco, France, Poland, Mexico, Singapore, Austria, Venezuela, Georgia and more. Themes range from vengeance, drama, youth, daily violence, questions of identity, to migrant life, mystery, and love.
Some of these titles have already won awards (despite their short time on the festival circuits), including Escalante’s Heli, Chen’s Illo,Ilo, Guiraudie’s L’Inconnu du Lac, Avranas’ Miss Violence (picture on right), and Dolan’s Tom à la ferme (featured image). However, this doesn’t mean the prize is in the bag for these front runners.
The program is from Oct. 9th to Oct. 20th, 2013:
Arwad, Samer Najari et Dominique Chila (Québec)
Au nom du fils, Vincent Lannoo (Belgique)
Blind Dates, Levan Koguashvili (Géorgie)
Bluebird, Lance Edmands (États-Unis)
Die Welt, Alex Pitstra (Pays-Bas/Maroc)
L’Escale, Kaveh Bakhtiari (Suisse/France)
Floating Skyscrapers, Tomasz Wasilewski (Pologne)
Heli, Amat Escalante (Mexique)
Ilo Ilo, Anthony Chen (Singapour)
In Bloom, Nana Ekvtimishvili et Simon Gross (Géorgie)
L’Inconnu du Lac, Alain Guiraudie (France)
Miss Violence, Alexandros Avranas (Grèce)
Pelo Malo, Maraiana Rondon (Vénézuela)
Salvo, Fabio Grassadonia et Antonio Piazza (Italie)
Soldate Jeannette, Daniel Hoesl (Autriche)
Tom à la ferme, Xavier Dolan (Québec/France)
For more information: