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Superior Spider-Man #20 Sets the Stage for Something Big

Superior Spider-Man #20 Sets the Stage for Something Big

Superior Spider-Man #20
Writer: Dan Slott
Art: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Colors: Antonio Fabela
Cover: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Publisher: Marvel


Like issue #19 before it, Superior Spider-Man #20 was teased as an important chapter that should not be missed. And while it may not have been as action packed as its predecessor, it certainly has set up something interesting through a series of small events.

Comic book covers are never truly an indication of what’s inside, but it was still somewhat of a disappointment to have not really gotten what was promised by this particular cover featuring Black Cat and Spider-Man enjoying a romantic dinner. One of the more enjoyable aspects of The Superior Spider-Man has been watching Otto’s interactions with Peter’s family, friends, the Avengers, and various villains Otto once associated himself with. Given that, one might have anticipated an encounter between Black Cat and Octavius, especially considering the complicated nature of Peter and Felicia’s relationship in the past. Sadly, the exchange between Otto and Black Cat is a short and ultimately unsatisfying set up for something down the road.

Slott keeps the plot moving by jumping from scene to scene, spending only a short time on each event. This both helps and hurts the plot by presenting us with lots of intriguing tastes of what’s to come but occasionally leaves you wanting more. Artist Giuseppe Camuncoli returns at the top of his game, showing that he’s a perfect fit for the book with pencils that never miss a beat between civilian scenes and superhero action. The Black Cat and Spider-Man scene features a level of detail and expression that’s particularly pleasant to look at.


So while the events of issue #20 may not have been worthy of The Watcher’s attention, the book continues to string readers along with an intricate web of ongoing plots that seem to suggest that The Superior Spider-Man’s web may soon be unraveling.