Joss Whedon’s film In Your Eyes quietly premiered yesterday at the 2014 Tribeca Film Festival in a surprise move from the increasingly famous writer-director. Written and executive-produced by Whedon, it is a timeless boy-meets-girl story, wrapped in a supernatural world. On the East Coast, Rebecca (Zoe Kazan) is living a lonely life as wife married to doctor (Mark Feuerstein). But she sometimes sees things through the eyes of someone on the other side of the country — and vice versa. An ex-con, Dylan (Michael Stahl-David), is trying to find a fresh start for himself in New Mexico while also dealing with the same feeling of being inexplicably drawn to someone else out there. The ethereal trailer is half-magical, half-chilling.
Whedon looks to have borrowed a page from Veronica Mars‘ Rob Thomas by releasing the film immediately online for a low digital price – you can rent it for only $5 at the In Your Eyes website. I love this new way to release films – it reminds everyone, including the behemoth of a mainstream Hollywood industry, that entertainment is for the fans – but I also think that it only works if you have an insane incredibly dedicated fanbase. Which fortunately, Whedon does, just as Thomas and Kristen Bell did with Veronica Mars.
The film stars Zoe Kazan, Michael Stahl-David, Nikki Reed, Mark Feuerstein, Jennifer Grey, and Steve Howey.
In Your Eyes – Trailer from Bellwether Pictures on Vimeo.