Story by John Carpenter and Eric Powell
Written by Eric Powell
Art by Brian Churilla
Colors by Michael Garland
Letters by Ed Dukes hire
Cover by Terry Dodson
Published by Boom Studios
Big Trouble In Little China the comic book starts off right after Big Trouble In Little China the movie ends. Jack Burton is driving along in the Pork-Chop Express while unbeknownst to
him a hairy slobbering beast from Lo Pan ‘ s lair is hanging on to his truck.
Jack soon finds out that the beastie is quite docile and adopts him as a quasi pet. Burton heads back to China Town in hopes of finding out what the creature is. Jack finds the sorcerer Egg Shen at Wang Chi and Miao Yin’s wedding and he informs Jack that the creature is a demon bound to Lo Pan by black magic. When Jack defeated Lo Pan the bond was transferred to him.
Burton doesn’t get much time to adjust to this news before Qiang Wu, a disciple of Lo Pan crashes the wedding and threatens to take Wang’s life unless Jack can complete a seemingly impossible task. Thus, Jack Burton sets off on another crazy adventure.
The art by Brian Churilla is a cartoony sort of caricature of John Carpenters characters that works well because it’s a cartoony sort of story. The writing is very true to the film but that’s mostly due to John Carpenter himself working on the story.
Big Trouble In Little China was not a box office success but it faired much better on home video and cable. It’s now considered a cult classic by many fans of quirky offbeat movies. Hopefully enough of those fans will go out and buy this book that it will run for a long while. Jack Burton much like Kurt Russell ‘ s other Carpenter character Snake Plisken deserves more stories. It would be a shame if we never got to hear all of what ol’ Jack Burton had to say.
Zachary Zagranis