Written by Will Pfeifer
Art by Kenneth Rocafort
Colors by Dan Brown
Published by DC Comics
The Teen Titans have a rich and varied history dating back to their inception in The Brave and The Bold #54. Now, the Titans have returned and in a big way. Will Pfeifer has taken the helm of the new series and is driving the plot along at rapid pace. Issue #1 revolves around the new team of Titans working together to stop a group of terrorists from hijacking a bus. The bus is hurtling through the streets of New York towards STAR Labs as the mysterious terrorist leader recounts her “manifesto”. The pacing of the story matched the pace of the bus: breakneck. The reader is introduced to each of the Titans in turn, starting with Wonder Girl and Red Robin.
Red Robin holds true to form as the leader of the group. handing out orders and overseeing the operation from a perch high above the city. At his command, Wonder Girl springs into action and very neatly removes one of the terrorists. Beast Boy boards the bus and does the same. Even fan favourite Raven makes an appearance. In the end it is Bunker who saves the day, bringing the bus to a halt just outside of STAR’s headquarters. Rocafort’s art keeps up with Pfeifer’s writing too. The teens’ bright, solid colors stand out against the myriad of back drop colors, adding a light, hopeful attitude to the comic. Because of this, the heroes, as individual notes of color or a collective palate, stand out when compared to the dull greys of the boardroom, and the black of the terrorists costumes.
In the adrenaline rush of the main story, it is easy to miss the little hints at an overarching plot. The terrorist leader describes a STAR labs project with a heavy air of doom, while the shady seeming board discusses moving STAR to its new facility in New York harbor. There are forces at work that the Titans will soon encounter. All in all, Teen Titans #1 is a thoroughly entertaining ride with a lot of potential for the future.