Written by Tom Taylor & Marguerite Bennett
Art by Alisson Borges, Andy Smith, Trevor Scott, Javier Fernandez, Diogenes Neves, & Marc Deering
Published by DC Comics
This month’s issue of Earth 2 does something quite unexpected by focusing on the Furies of Apokolips. A major question that’s loomed over this series since the announcement of World’s End is what role will the Earth 2 main book play in the story. Upon reading issue #28, it’s apparent that the series shall serve as a companion title to World’s End telling side stories that can’t fit within the pages of the weekly book.
The issue is split up into four stories, each about one of the furies of Apokolips and how they came to serve Darkseid. What’s quite the surprise is that eachFury is a native of a classic alien world within the DC universe. Pestilence was a Czarnian woman turned into a chemical bomb; Famine was a champion gladiator in the pits of Warwold; War, oddly not the Fury from Warworld, is a Tameranean who crashed to Apokolips; and Death was a mother on Mars. They flesh out World’s End villains quite well. The only exception is the story of Famine which falls flat. The other Furies are shown as victims of classism and war, Pestilence especially stands out as a sympathetic character. While the writing is handled by both Tom Taylor and Marguerite Bennett, the story themselves are by Bennett. She shows a lot of potential with these stories although it seems most effort went into the origin of Pestilence.
Something that put this issue in jeopardy was that one look at the credits revealed this issue was comprised by four separate art teams. Fortunately, the teams are split up between the four stories with no overlapping, something that World’s End hasn’t been able to avoid. The artistic differences contrasts the alien worlds of Czarnia, Warwold, Apokolips, and Mars, giving each a distinct look. Diogenes Neves is a surprise and is best know for his work on Demon Knights. It’s wonderful to see him return. Where the art falls down is during War’s segment, drawn by Javier Fernandez. The way he draws eyes is especially off putting.
As good as this issue is, it casts some ominous signs for the future of Earth 2. This may mark the point where the title will only serve to tell stories that can’t be told within the pages of World’s End which will be a horrible loss. James Robinson and Tom Taylor made Earth 2 into one of the greatest titles coming out of DC Comics. To see all their hard work go to waste by turning their book into just the anthology hour for World’s End would be tragedy no matter how good the stories are.