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‘Long Distance’ #1- Interest Grows in Time

‘Long Distance’ #1- Interest Grows in Time

Writer and Artist Thom Zahler
Publisher: IDW Publishing

In an airport, a lone man named Carter Blue, ad agency artist from Columbus, recalls with a strange the day he meet Lee Smith, a scientist from Chicago. Long Distance by writer and artist, Thom Zahler, is a modern romance tale of two lovers with the challenge of many miles between them. Zahler’s slice of life romance is pleasantly written with room to expand on the main characters. His artwork offers a monochromatic color concept to highlight different details in the changes of environment. Carter’s and Lee’s tale of their fledgling romance  starts to enchant the reader and provides dashes of realism in the characters’ thoughts.

Carter’s story starts off at an airport where he talks on his cellphone until a young child dressed as Batman bumps into Carter. As the ad agency artist gathers his materials, he begins to dialogue with Lee, whom he assumes is the boy’s mother. With the embarrassing mistake of finding out Lee is only a bystander in the event, Carter apologizes. Lee informs Carter all the flights are grounded due to the snow, and the two decide to get drinks shortly after. Together Carter and Lee socialize and bound over their knowledge of pop culture and similar wit. They share a single kiss and so begins their head over heels romance.

Zahler’s artwork is stylized for his comic. The characters appear to be very rounded on their design, which creates a more natural positioning of the people. There is a flaw in the rounded style of Zahler as the individual characters may appear to have their  eyes  smashed inwards and their hands do not appear quite right. The minors flaws aside, the rounded designs lend itself to appear innocent with the large eyes of the characters. By far Zahler’s expression for the characters are very well done. The images of Lee and Carter show their subtle flirtations with each other such as their first meeting in the airport. Yet Zahler is only outdone by his work with the monochromatic coloring. For example, Zahler makes Lee’s and Carter’s first meeting all in a purple, but various shades. It makes the two appear in a dreamy state and emphasizes the specialness of the meeting. When the two characters part, Lee and Carter have their sections of the comic colored in different colors. For example, Lee and Carter hold a phone chat in their own cities. Zahler gives both characters their own monochromatic shade for the scene. The monochromatic shades assist the reader in knowing of the transitions between scenes.

Zahler’s writing establishes a foundation for the character of Lee and Carter and their dialogue comes off as natural. Lee and Carter may appear has only witty and falling in love, but it best to keep in mind it is only issue one of the series. It is best to look carefully at the comic’s actions and expressions of the character. When together Lee and Carter both display interest in each other and passion towards one another. When the two are parted, Lee shows a dislike of tedious task from her dialogue to her co-worker. Carter shows the ability to multitask with working on his personal affairs and managing his own business.

Zahler crafts a tale of budding romance with a genuine tone of tenderness with realism in the characters. His artwork is done with care and thought. It is true Carter’s and Lee’s romance may seem like it is low risk without much conflict as both characters are stable and are independent. But Zahler beckons the reader to press on to see how the newly forming romance stands up to the distance between the lovers and their personal lives.