Written by Phil Hester
Art by John McCrea
Published by Image Comics, Inc.
A giant baby who wrestles enormous lizards? A restless spirit who can’t move on because she doesn’t believe in the afterlife? A two-eyed cyclops janitor who is now a field team member? It must be time for a new issue of Mythic. This series offers up a universe where science is a lie and magic and myth are what keep the universe in balance. When things start to fall apart the members of Mythic Lore Services step in to clean things up. This premise allows for a multitude of strange possibilities, some of which take center stage in issues one and two, but issue three takes an even bigger leap into the weirdness than the first two.
In case you only skimmed the first paragraph, Mythic #3 introduces a giant baby– complete with diaper – who is actually a high-ranking member of Mythic Lore Services. Her name is Asha and she is introduced as she wrestles an enormous lizard that is eating campers in Australia. Field Team Eight is also in attendance, recently reassigned after their successful mission getting the clouds and mountains to mate in Yellowstone National Park, and they find out more about the ambushes that seem to have wiped out all the other Mythic field teams. Field Team Eight splits up with Waterson and Dr. Baranski, the aforementioned wandering spirit, along with the two-eyed cyclops janitor (“He’s very sensitive about that second eye … It’s a birth defect,” Asha tells Waterson) going to investigate the ambushes while Cass and Nate go to Switzerland to tickle cow udders because the Pasture Dwarves which are typically in charge of that task have neglected their duties. By the end of the issue, Field Team Eight learns that at least one member of the ambushed field teams has survived while they fall prey to an ambush themselves. Also, a gigantic, skeletal dog in the basement of the British Museum comes alive and breathes fire onto two security guards instantly killing them both. As stated above, Mythic #3 proves even weirder than the first two issues. It is magnificent in its weirdness.
Hester’s script is, once again, wonderful. The man absolutely revels in the chaotic, strange melting pot of all the world’s myths and legends. A world where are all the myths – the gods, creatures, and even the mechanics of the universe – from all the cultures around the globe are real would be a realm of total chaos, and Hester captures that within the pages of his script. The opening pages of issue three are a prime example. Asha, the giant baby, is screaming, “This is simply unacceptable. UN-ACK-FUCKING-CEPTABLE!” at the enormous lizard that has escaped from its subterranean prison before wrestling it to the ground, and sending it back to its lair. After accosting the farmers who were supposed to perform a daily ritual to keep the lizard from escaping, Asha first introduces Dr. Baranski, the ghost who is also a “hardcore skeptic,” then pulls a smartphone out of her diaper to take a call regarding the absence of Pasture Dwarves in Switzerland. To pull this sort of script off – one that is so full of chaos but which has a very solid plot – one must have an extremely active imagination as well as a solid command of plot structure. Hester has both in abundance. The chaotic bits, such as the seemingly random episode of udder tickling in Switzerland, actually serve to further the overarching plot of the series. And the artwork matches the flavor of the writing perfectly, too.
One glance at McCrea’s opening panel and you want to see more. It is a close-up shot of Asha from the scene described in the previous paragraph. The face is infantile, but shows fully realized adult anger. The second panel, which shows Asha starting to put a wrestling move on the giant lizard, looks like it should be an illustration in a book about aboriginal myths rather than a panel from a comic book. Some of that is due in no small part to the muted colors applied to McCrea’s art by Michael Spicer, an unsung hero whose work greatly enhances McCrea’s already brilliant drawings. All the weirdness, all the chaos, is captured perfectly in the artwork of McCrea and Spicer. This fact is evident most notably in the panel where we are introduced to Anatol, the two-eyed cyclops janitor. How you would pull-off rendering a two-eyed cyclops and still retain the idea it is a cyclops is a seemingly impossible task, but somehow McCrea made it happen.
Mythic #3, like the previous issues in this series, is zany, action-packed, and whimsical. If this series in general had to be described in one word that word would be “fun.” And issue three is the most fun of all so far. If you enjoy reading about mythology or if you love fantasy fiction, or if you simply love an action-packed comic book that sheds the dead weight of typical comic book superheroes, Mythic is the series for you.