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Toronto After Dark 2010: Goodnight, Sweet Festival

Once more, Toronto After Dark has proven why it stands out in a city full of film festivals.  Fans were treated to a wild ride full of Old Ones, exorcisms, ninjas, pot brownies, demons, centurions, robogeisha, and a human centipedes. Here are some notes from the festival:

–       The horror-comedy is picking up speed and audiences love it, but directors, be warned: the bar is being quickly raised.

–       The UK invaded the festival this year with four features; two were medieval action flicks, and two dealt with the complete and utter demise of British society. Three featured actor Noel Clarke, who must be the hardest working actor in London. Hopefully this trend continues – the man is talented.

–       As Ricky previously mentioned, Phantom City Creative has launched a series of beautiful posters commemorating past festival hits. Act now – they’re selling out fast!

–       Speaking of posters, the film All About Evil featured some awesome ones that look like something from the grindhouse era – check them out.

–       Festival-goers were treated to some great Q&A’s from The Last Lovecraft crew, All About Evil director Joshua Grannell, I Spit on Your Grave director Steven R. Monroe, and The Last Exorcism producer Eli Roth.

–        The Last Exorcism took the Gold Audience Award; The Human Centipede and I Spit on Your Grave took silver and bronze, respectively. Check out the full list of awards here.

–       If you’re still kicking yourself for missing The Human Centipede, which we’ve reviewed here (and here and here), now’s your chance: it’s playing this upcoming week at the Toronto Underground Cinema.

Until next year, Toronto.

Dave Robson

PS – It doesn’t look like I can embed video right now, but check this out.