Recently a mysterious video linked to filmmaker Neill Blomkamp was found on the YouTube channel. The video which was included in the latest iPad digtial version of WiReD Magazine (issue number 18.12) and later on the Splash page credited simply as “Video By: Neill Blomkamp,” is believed to be a teaser for the director’s next project.
Peter Sciretta who recently posted the video claims that after doing some research, he found out “that a Beverly Hills-based company named Sable Productions Ltd. filed for the trademark “AGM Heartland” on October 18th 2010”.
The trademark use is labeled as:
“Entertainment services by way of an online website with video, audio and textual content and images featuring characters and storylines about a fictional genetic engineering company that produces genetically engineered and altered organisms”.
Clearly the description above doesn’t seem to match up with the recent news from the Vulture, who leaked that the director’s next project would be another original sci-fi project called Elysium. While the details have been shrouded in secrecy, we do know that Elysium is the official title of his next film. We also know that Blomkamp has previously described the film as “sci-fi, horror, something around there” and was “pretty sure it’s set on another planet” and “way in the future.” He now adds that the film will explore “many sociopolitical ideas that interest [him]” with the ideas “wrapped up inside something that is like a Hollywood action film.”
Considering the video appears before the Tron Legacy trailers on the MTV Splash page and was also featured in Wired magazine, you would assume this is related to his next big project, otherwise why would someone spend so much money in promoting it?
Here is the video. Enjoy!