This year’s program consists of 28 films (24 narrative, 4 documentaries) and spans the globe in terms of its roster. Twenty-seven countries are represented, among them Norway (Happy, Happy), Ghana (The Destiny of Lesser Animals), Romania (Outbound), and Peru (Octubre). Opening night features J.C. Chandor’s Wall Street-themed drama Margin Call, and the festival will close with the Award-winning film Circumstance by Maryam Keshavarz. Speaking on these films, Richard Pena, the Program Director for the Lincoln Center Film Society, commented, “We are thrilled to have Margin Call and Circumstance as our Opening and Closing Night films. Both are dynamic and riveting dramas from first time feature film directors that give a unique view into the human lives at the core of two vastly different, but very immediate worlds.”
New Directors/New Films opens on Wednesday night, March 23rd and runs through April 3rd. More information about this year’s selections and how to purchase tickets can be found on the website: