Last night during 30 Rock and American Idol Warner Bros. premiered a new TV spot for Green Lantern, running at a minute and thirty seconds. The spot shows some new footage, although brief, but the movie still looks extremely promising. People laughed at me when I said it might be the best comic book adaptation this year, and while I am really digging the Captain America footage, the Green Lantern film seems to really understand the themes, characters and philosophy of the actual series. I have no doubt that it won’t make huge numbers at the box office. I can’t imagine mainstream America having too much interest in a superhero they know nothing of, but something worth pointing out is, that most of the CGI footage seen thus far, is still in development. If it looks that good and it isn’t even fully touched up, than one can only imagine how good the final product might be. Only time will tell. Let us hope for the best.