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‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’ author to write/direct ‘The Flash’ for WB

‘Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter’ author to write/direct ‘The Flash’ for WB

Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox

From book author to director, this man is making the leap.

As Warner Bros. puts together their line-up of superheros for the DC Universe, it seems like they will go with an interesting choice for the director of The Flash. The Hollywood Reporter reports that Seth Grahame-Smith, who has written the books Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Price and Prejudice and Zombies, will write and direct the movie that is starring Ezra Miller as the hero.

The movie got a treatment from The Lego Movie directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, with the potential to be directed by them, before they left to helm the Han Solo spin-off for Disney.

Grahame-Smith has yet to direct a project with screenwriting work being done at Warner Bros. on Lego Batman and Tim Burton’s adaptation of Dark Shadows. The only directing work he has done was a couple episodes of the MTV comedy, The Hard Times of RJ Berger.

While WB said they wanted to go after filmmakers for their universe, this seems like an odd choice to take on The Flash. The show on the CW is very popular and Grahame-Smith now has the task of creating a movie that separates itself from the show and must be just as entertaining and good.

The Flash won’t come out until March 3, 2018, but Miller will appear in character in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice and Justice League: Part 1.