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Bethesda reveals first footage of ‘Wolfenstein’ prequel ‘The Old Blood’

Bethesda reveals first footage of ‘Wolfenstein’ prequel ‘The Old Blood’


It looks like developer MachineGames is returning to their well-received take on classic shooter Wolfenstein with a prequel to The New Order. Entitled The Old Blood, its being billed as an “expansion pack” (haven’t heard that phrase used for a while!) and is due to launch May 5 2015 on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.

Fans of The New Order will be pleased to hear that lead character (and winner of the Best Initials Award) B.J. Blazkowicz is back for more Nazi hunting, tasked with breaking into the infamous Castle Wolfenstein. Expect more of the same second time around – that being a pleasing combination of shooting, stealthing and stabbing, with some nice Old Skool health packs and weapon wheels.

Check out the PAX gameplay footage below!