More Star Wars spinoffs are inevitable. And everyone in the universe, from Han to Chewie to Lando to Leia, could all have one. Gareth Edwards is working on Rogue One, which in 2016 will tell the story of how rebels stole the plans for the Death Star, ultimately leading to the events of A New Hope.
The one character who we expected would receive a spinoff, but maybe is the only character that shouldn’t get one, is Boba Fett, the mysterious, iconic, helmeted bounty hunter from the original trilogy. Of course, there’s a rich, potential history of bounty hunters throughout the galaxy far, far away, and it only stands to reason that Boba Fett would be the perfect vessel to explore him. But when you take off that helmet and he becomes yet another character, do we lose that luster?
Whatever the case, The Wrap confirmed late Monday that a Boba Fett spinoff movie is moving forward for 2018. Writer and producer Simon Kinberg is “closely involved” in the creating of this second film in the anthology.
However, over the weekend Disney reportedly fired Josh Trank (Chronicle, Fantastic Four). Though details had not yet been released, Trank was brought in to film the second anthology film, and it was suspected this would be the project he was likely to helm. Now The Wrap suspects that Disney will identify a director prior to the filming of Rogue One, set to start this summer.
Of course, we already have something of a backstory for Boba Fett thanks to George Lucas’s prequels. But if you wanted to keep the mystique of the character, I recommend getting someone like Nicolas Winding Refn at the helm, who can make a coldly surreal movie about a mostly blank killer like Ryan Gosling in Drive.