UPDATE 10/23: Aaron Sorkin confirmed via an interview with Bloomberg that Christian Bale will take the role as Steve Jobs, saying he’s “going to crush it”.
Sorkin went on to say that Bale will appear in every frame of the film and has more dialogue than most actors have in three films. “We needed the best actor on the board within a certain age range, and that was Chris Bale,” Sorkin said.
Christian Bale can play anything from gruff, intense, suave, confident, shady and even decrepit, but can he play someone as inspirational as Steve Jobs?
According to Variety, Bale is currently in talks to play the lead role in a biopic entitled Jobs based on Walter Isaacson’s biography “Steve Jobs” in a film directed by Danny Boyle and written by Aaron Sorkin.
The film, as Sorkin has discussed in great detail previously, would follow Jobs at three different pinnacle press conferences throughout his Apple career, first at the launch of the Mac, then NeXT and finally the iPod. It’s a project Sorkin was originally slated to do with David Fincher at the helm, and Bale was originally Fincher’s first choice prior to dropping off the project.
The fake, photoshopped poster above gives a little hope that Bale, i.e. Batman, would actually be able to look the part, perhaps even better than Ashton Kutcher. And this new film called Jobs is not to be confused with the Kutcher version, which was unfortunately called jOBS.
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