Cyborg #5
Written by David Walker
Pencils by Felipe Watanabe and Daniel HDR
Layouts by Ivan Reis
Inks by Albert Oclair, Júlio Ferreira, Andy Owens, and Juan Castro
Colors by Adriano Lucas and Pete Pantanzis
Lettered by Rob Leigh
Publisher: DC Comics
The Techno Apocalypse is well underway in the penultimate issue of Cyborg’s first arc. The S.T.A.R Lab Team and the Alternate Universe Tekbreakers retreat for a reprieve against the Technosapiens and the battlefield. They’ve turned Detroit into for a last ditch effort to end this war. In this dialogue heavy issue, there are doses of supporting characters gaining a voice and some spotlight while Cyborg and company take a backseat for the revelation heavy portion.
Cyborg has gotten more character development in these five issues in all of the Justice League issues, save for his Forever Evil tie-in Arc. David Walker really owns Victor’s confidence with both scientific terminology and his interaction with the expanded cast. The connections between Victor and the Techosapiens prove for an interesting dynamic between the two opposing forces and puts Victor in an almost “cyber” Messiah or figurehead for the corrupted aliens. The art team works their magic yet again as glimmers of Ivan Reis shine through the layouts, and Watanabe and Daniel HDR gives us really great emotional moments in the midst of the war-zone scenes. Speaking of war-zone we get more action from Sebastian and the Metal Men doing what heroes both normal and mechanical do best, save lives. Keeping the pacing together with both fronts of the Techno-War works to flesh out all of the players in the works and gives us an appreciation for every character we’ve met in the past four issues. Despite being literally left behind the main cast, the Metal Men pick up the slack to great results to show just how this rag-tag team is worth the weight of including and even act as an ace in the whole in the ongoing war and even get a page to themselves in all of their glory!
Everything comes together for a final page that culminates in a very triumphant callback to one of Cyborg’s staples as a character and if it’s anything to go by…the first arc for Victor Stone will go out with a blast with ramifications sure to follow.