The Degrassi franchise has built a reputation for longevity over the course of its run, as the series focusing on the trials and tribulations of students and teachers at the fictional Degrassi school first began in 1979 with The Kids of Degrassi Street. The latest incarnation of the series, titled Degrassi: The Next Generation, has been running since 2001, and has been the starting and breakout show for numerous current stars, including rapper Drake, The Vampire Diaries star Nina Dobrev, and former 90210 star Shenae Grimes.
TeenNick, however, the show’s US broadcaster, recently announced the cancellation of the series, bringing it to a close after 14 seasons, and signalling the apparent end of the Degrassi franchise once again. The show’s final season is poised to begin on July 20th and be comprised of 12 episodes, coming to an end on July 31st.
While the show is still ending, however, the franchise will continue to endure, as news has now emerged of a distribution deal with Netflix for a new series in the franchise, titled Degrassi: Next Class. The show will move to Family Channel in Canada, while the streaming service will handle US distribution. The new series is poised to make its debut in early 2016, as announced by Netflix and the show’s executive producer Stephen Stohn on twitter.
And now the rest of the story… Degrassi signs to Family Channel in Canada and Worldwide on Netflix,Degrassi: Next Class debuts early 2016
— Stephen Stohn (@stephenstohn) June 9, 2015
Degrassi graduates to Netflix. Meet the Next Class, coming in 2016
— Netflix US (@netflix) June 9, 2015
The show will have a returning cast comprised of performers such as Olivia Scriven, Eric Osborne, Nikki Gould, and Andre Kim, and will focus on what Netflix dubbed “Generation Z”, and had this to say about the show’s focus.
Pushing their own limits and testing the bonds of family and friends, the students each find their own way to deal with a range of issues: from homophobia, racism, substance abuse and violence to burgeoning sexuality, body issues, heartbreak and the complications of dating in the social media age.
Stohn assured the show’s viewers on twitter that the new series would be as bold as its predecessors, despite the shift.