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Italian Institute of Stupidity Science and Philosophy

Horror fans are a mysterious, cultish bunch. Or at least, they like to think they are, imagining themselves the vanguard of the underground; Morlocks feeding off pampered, mainstream Eloi dandies with D&G sunglasses and designer perfume. But go to any horror film screening, and see if you’re not surrounded by Blackberry-toting shitheads who got armband tattoos so they look good pounding Redbull & Vodkas at La Boum. Sure, there are the hardcore horror fans, concave chests vainly attempting to fill out Necrophagist t-shirts, keeping the black flame alive on message boards that use crime scene photos as wallpaper. But they’re dwarfed in number by the Friday night date crowd, who wouldn’t dare miss opening night for the latest Rob Zombie movie, provided Fast and Furious isn’t playing somewhere.

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New Music Video “Runaway” By Kanye West is a 34 Minute Long Disaster

Give credit to Kanye West for his brilliant performance on Saturday Night Live when he performed in front of a white, back-lit sheet as ballerinas and dancers contorted around him. The performance which had many people talking was the epic precursor to Runaway, his half-hour music video/short film. Unfortunately the music video didn’t live up …

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Indiana Jones meets Popeye

The cartoonist Chuck Forsman has created 6 Strips of scenes from Raiders of the Lost Ark done in a Segar Popeye style. He is selling prints of the strip for $20 on The Oily Boutique. 11×17 digital print on heavy stock shipped in a tube. Visit the site and support the artist. Thanks to /film …

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‘Monsters’ is an exhilarating triumph that serves as a strong contender for the film of the year

“Like a youthful Terrence Malick directing an early script revision of Close Encounters of The Third Kind, Monsters is an exhilarating triumph that serves as a strong contender for the film of the year.” Monsters Directed by Gareth Edwards A cloud of extra-terrestrial excitement descended on TIFF this year as the chatter surrounding Monsters reached …

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FNC 2010: La Belle Endormie

La Belle Endormie Directed by Catherine Breillat Written by Catherine Breillat France – 2010 Defying all expectations and conventions, Catherine Breillat creates a fairy tale that can only be attributed to her sensibilities with her newest film, La Belle Endormie. A loose adaptation of Sleeping Beauty, the film is about a young princess’ journey in …

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‘The Experiment’ Vs. ‘The Killing Room’

Ever since runaway horror sensation Saw twisted its way onto our cinema screens and inadvertently sullied the subsequent decade of horror by urging on an unseemly wave of torture porn, we’ve been inundated with a barrage of ‘people-wake-up-in-a-room’ horror films, most of which have crept out straight to DVD. Sure, it’s a genre that’s been …

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