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Memento (2000)

——– Memento Directed by Christopher Nolan Narrative complexity, today, is firmly the domain of thrillers (read: hyperkinetic activity). Entire projects hinge on “gotcha” plot twists, powered at best by unnecessary opaqueness and at worst by sheer contrivance. The moment I realized that Inception would be a merely good movie, and not the great movie that …

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Fantasia 2010: Dream Home

Dream Home Directed by Ho-Cheung Pang Probably the only horror film to involve the housing crisis, Dream Home wastes its creative concept by being unfortunately muddled. Though the protagonists’ obsession with owning a home at the sacrifice of her family and moral integrity could have been fascinating, the film is ultimately shallow and confusing. Despite …

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Avengers! Assemble!

This past Saturday, July 24, at the San Diego Comic-Con, shall be marked as one of the most epic gatherings for a film collaboration in geek history. The full major cast of The Avengers appeared on stage at the end of the Marvel Studios panel with confirmation of Jeremy Renner as Hawkeye, Mark Ruffalo as …

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Fantasia 2010: The Last Exorcism

The Last Exorcism Directed by Daniel Stamm Thanks to its wicked humor and unexpected smarts, The Last Exorcism sets itself apart from many recent attempts at faux-documentaries. In the film, documentary filmmakers follow a disillusioned preacher who hopes to expose the danger exorcism poses in the modern age. He attempts to reveal the ignorance and …

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Fantasia 2010: ‘Fish Story’ is a truly unique take on familiar ideas, revelling totally in the beauty of the absurd

Interweaving seemingly irrelevant storylines, Fish Story is about the interconnectedness of all aspects of our existence. It isn’t, however, a film about fate. It is about finding splendour in irrationality, and our individual potential to shape the world.

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Fantasia 2010: Clash

Clash Directed by Le Thanh Son It’s never a good sign when even non-fans of a given genre can spot the clichés pervading a particular piece. Whether you own a collection of imported martial arts movies, or you wouldn’t even see Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon despite its Oscar nominations, it’s hard to imagine any viewer …

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The Best Films Ever Screened At The Fantasia Film Festival

Horror, fantasy, Hong Kong action, animation, strange documentaries, gored-up science-fiction, Japanese Pink films and martial arts flicks are just among the many genres Fantasia has covered in its fourteen years of programming. Famous for being the largest genre film festival in North America, Fantasia is packed with Canadian, North American and worldwide feature-length premieres as …

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Fantasia 2010: The Violent Kind

The Violent Kind Directed by The Butcher Brothers In The Violent Kind, members of a motorcycle gang are terrorized by supernatural forces while at an isolated cabin. A mostly disappointing evocation of classic b-movies, the film nonetheless shows a lot of creative potential. Blending gang violence, apparent demonic possession and crazy science fiction, the film …

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Fantasia 2010: Air Doll

———- Air Doll Directed by Hirokazu Koreeda A bizarre but not entirely alien blend of social commentary, fairy tale, and old-fashioned tragedy, Air Doll helps to further cement Hirokazu Koreeda as an effective conveyor of unique, memorable imagery, even if it doesn’t quite cohere into the emotionally wrought masterpiece it seems very much to be …

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Clinton Jones Cardboard Warfare

Like Freddie Wong’s “Light Warfare,” Clinton Jones doesn’t hold back on creativity and fun independent film making. With a good mixture of special effects, well shot action sequences, intense music and suspenseful moments, “Cardboard Warfare” was really exciting and I hope these guys create more fun short films in the future. Check out  Jone’s aka …

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Fantasia 2010: Symbol

“It’s hard to pigeonhole Symbol in any particular genre, but I would best describe it as a live-action Looney Tunes cartoon on crack.” Symbol Directed by Hitoshi Matsumoto While watching Symbol, for a fleeting moment I wondered if someone had slipped something in my drink or sprinkled an illicit substance on my popcorn.  What else …

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Fantasia 2010: The Devils

The Devils Directed by Ken Russell Nearly forty years after its release, The Devils remains shocking. It is both unabashedly critical of establishment while also refusing to adhere to the commonly accepted conventions of “serious” cinema.  Stylistically, the film employs an unconventional score, an overzealous use of zoom (to be fair, it was the 70s) …

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Fantasia 2010: Doghouse

“There’s a potentially great movie trying to get out of the mediocre one that is Doghouse, a trashy horror comedy that’s disappointingly refined.”Doghouse” Doghouse Directed by Jake West While Jake West’s Doghouse would not be the first low-rent horror movie to be accused of misogyny, the British horror comedy’s claim to fame is that it …

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