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The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel: Long Live the Fantasy Film Genre!

How well do you know your Harry Potter trivia?  Does the name Nicholas Flamel ring any bells?  He was the alchemist responsible for “the Sorcerer’s Stone” in the title of the inaugural Harry Potter book and movie adaptation, but Flamel is more than a J.K. Rowling creation.  He was an actual alchemist who born in …

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The Twilight Saga: New Moon

The Twilight Saga: New Moon Directed by Chris Weitz Are we to expect more from a feature film than from an average episode of a daytime soap? That’s one of many questions to be begged not only of casual moviegoers but of even the most hardened fan of Stephenie Meyer’s socially negligent Twilight series as …

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Troma presents: Shameless Tasteless

Troma’s dug deep into the depths of Ukraine’s smut factory to unleash this skeezy compilation of Soviet shorts from trash hound extraordinaire Yakov Levi.  All the shit sharin’, prostitute slangin’ and babushka fearin’ you could hope for is finally here.  Shameless Tasteless, features everything from anal dares gone wrong to dance floor abortions (gone right?) …

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2012 Directed by Roland Emmerich This review is SPOILER ridden so beware. Then again, if you’ve seen any disaster movie made since 1960 then nothing will be a surprise. Trust me. Judd Apatow, Tina Fey, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell and all the other maestros of contemporary comedy should be afraid, as there is a new …

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The Years of Living Dangerously: how Ozploitation trumped Hollywood

Exploding vehicles (and heads), decapitations, a whole lot of nudity and an overexcited Quentin Tarantino are just the starting point for Not Quite Hollywood: the wild, untold story of Ozploitation!, Mark Hartley’s jaw-dropping history of Australian genre cinema. Forget Picnic at Hanging Rock: it’s more a case of let’s blow up Ayers Rock and set …

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Brief Interviews with Hideous Men

Brief Interviews with Hideous Men Dir. John Krasinski John Krasinski deserves some enormous kudos for bringing such a faithful, intelligently constructed and nontraditional adaptation of David Foster Wallace’s writing to the screen–even a flawed one such as Brief Interviews with Hideous Men.  Wallace’s work defies filmic adaptation, and it takes incredible heart and chutzpah to even …

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A Genre Adapted Through Time

Filmmakers are confronted with the perennial challenge of intriguing their audience with new cinematic experiences – the challenge of innovation.When a traditional genre transcends time, it is often altered to slake this thirst for the new.Consequently, such an evolution has altered one of America’s most stylish genres of the 1940s, film noir.The introduction of color …

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Punching The Clown

Punching The Clown Directed by Gregori Viens The very best independent films somehow avoid the pitfalls of a low budget–showcasing great performances or beautiful cinematography against all odds. Punching the Clown achieves something nearly as impressive: it works despite its limitations.  Writer and lead actor Henry Philllips has crafted a pseudo-autobiography so genuine and likable …

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Philippe Mora’s Mad Dog Morgan, a violent true story and a 70’s classic that forever changed the way international audiences saw Australian cinema, is being released in a two-disc limited edition DVD set on November 24 from Troma. Dennis Hopper (Easy Rider, Apocalypse Now) plays Mad Dog Morgan, Australia’s most notorious criminal, with all the …


An Education

An Education Directed by Lone Scherfig Let’s start with the bad. Carey Mulligan’s Jenny is just slightly too self-assured and forthright for a sixteen year old. The lurch from light-hearted to a darker tone midway through the film is marginally clumsy. And the running time is about 5 minutes too long: the ending grates somewhat …

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The Fourth Kind

The Fourth Kind Directed by Olatunde Osunsanmi Seventy-one years after Orson Welles’ War of the Worlds radio broadcast convinced the American public of a real-time alien-invasion, writer-director Olatunde Osunsanmi tries a similar gimmick by presenting a cinematic re-creation of supposedly true occurrences in and around the small town of Nome, Alaska, that suggest an alien …

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