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Spiderman Reboot?

As Sony Pictures Entertainment preps the fourth installment of Spider-Man (now on its third rewrite), the studio has hired screenwriter James Vanderbilt to pen Spider-Man 5 and Spider-Man 6. James Vanderbilt penned the first draft of Spiderman 4 before it was taken over by Gary Ross. According to Variety, Raimi didn’t embrace all of Vanderbilt’s …

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Tarantino’s 20 in 17

This past weekend, in order to help promote his new film Inglourious Basterds, famed director Quentin Tarantino recorder a short video for online film-news website Sky Movies ( The video shows Tarantino naming out his favorite top 20 films of the past 17 years. 17 marks a lucky number for Tarantino, as it was 17 …

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Sweet Sadism: Angelo Badalamenti’s Score for Blue Velvet

Undertones: Volume 5 Removing the veneer of squeaky-clean suburban American life to reveal its seamy underbelly, David Lynch’s 1986 film, Blue Velvet, is a modern masterpiece and perhaps the most crystallized example of Lynch’s filmic vision. Concerned with the misadventure of a clean-cut teen called Jeffrey (Kyle MacLachlan) who upon discovering and subsequently investigating a …

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Toronto After Dark 2009: Dark Hour

The Dark Hour Directed by Elio Quiroga Any attempt to unearth hidden meaning behind Spain’s Sci-Fi thriller The Dark Hour would simply give it too much credit. While watching this film, it becomes glaringly obvious that writer-director Elio Quiroga heavily borrows visuals and themes from the Alien franchise, but fails miserably to evoke the same …

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Page Six reports Jonathan Demme departs Bob Marley documentary

According to Page Six, a documentary surrounding the life of reggae groundbreaker Bob Marley entitled Marley has allegedly lost Silence of the Lambs director Jonathan Demme.  He is the second major director to leave the project; apparently Martin Scorsese “dropped out of the project citing ‘scheduling conflicts,’ and Demme was brought on to replace him.”  …

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‘District 9’ is in the upper echelon of science-fiction films with a message, a moral, and a mech suit

Generally speaking, I don’t like to be lectured. It brings back painful memories of my childhood, when my father would continually admonish me for being untidy, killing the family pets, and digging up my dead sister for Saturday night ‘dates.’ I especially dislike preaching about race relations, because ever since flipping past The O’Reilly Factor while channel surfing, I’ve become convinced that only communist agitators and terrorists complain about racism. But I’ll make a special exception for director Neill Blomkamp’s District 9, because it mixes its didactic moralizing with giant bugs and the mechanized body armour from Robot Jox.

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Frank Darabont to direct The Walking Dead

AMC, creators of Mad Men, have just confirmed a deal to adapt the hit comic book The Walking Dead to the small screen. Director Frank Darabont (The Mist, Shawshank Redemption) has signed on to write and direct the TV series with rumors of some A-list actors on board. The Walking Dead was originally a monthly …

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District 9

District 9 Directed by Neill Blomkamp Produced by Peter Jackson It can be debated whether the quintessential science fiction film has stood the test of time, but when it comes to aliens, they stand as a genre all on their own. The seventies brought us Alien (1979), the eighties brought us E.T. (1982) and the …

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‘District 9’ is as close to perfection as it gets

South Africa has been to hell and back during the past century. Famine, corruption, AIDS and the apartheid era have seriously hindered the country’s chances of becoming a serious player within the African continent. A few years ago, local director Neill Blomkamp produced a short film entitled Alive in Joburg, a 6-minute science fiction “documentary” that would eventually be expanded to become District 9. The aforementioned short was so well made that Peter Jackson commissioned Blomkamp to direct the ill-fated Halo movie, but when that project fell through, Jackson felt that his South African counterpart should have another shot at directing a full-length film.

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RIP John Hughes 1950-2009

One of the foremost comedy writer/directors of the last 25 years has died.  John Hughes, creator of such teen comedies as Pretty in Pink, Sixteen Candles, and his opus, the terrific The Breakfast Club died of a heart attack at the age of 59.  He almost single-handedly defined the concept of “teen comedy” as we …

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The Ten Best and Five Worst Films of 2009 (So Far)

2009’s Ten Best and Five Worst Films (So Far) We’re technically over halfway through 2009, but a disproportionately large number of great films tend to spring up in the latter months of the year, so let’s call it halfway for the sake of our collective sanity. It hasn’t been a terrific year for filmgoing so …

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Fantasia wrap up part 4

Embodiment Of Evil Directed by Jose Mojica Marins *** 1/2 José Mojica Marins’ demonically anticipated Zé do Caixão (Coffin Joe) comeback film is everything you could hope for. Embodiment cleverly explains Zé ‘s absence over the years by opening with the character being released from prison after serving decades of time for the crimes depicted …

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Fantastic Fest 2009

Fantastic Fest (September 24-October 1, 2009 is one of the most unique, diverse, and successful film festivals in the world.  The fest showcases great mainstream and independent films from around the world, and from genres such as sci-fi, fantasy, action, and horror, amongst others.  Fantastic Fest also has bright stars and big premieres; having …

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Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds Directed by Quentin Tarantino Normally I approach a new Tarantino film with caution because more often than not, due to his fame and talent, his movies are severely hyped in the months leading up to their release; they are promoted with so much zeal and accompanied by so many industry buzz-words that I …

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The Drone of Dead Man

Undertones: Volume 4 Jim Jarmusch’s transcendental western, Dead Man (1995), is the tale of a spiritual and physical journey taken by an ordinary man named William Blake (Johnny Depp) sometime in the later part of the 19th century. Travelling to a frontier town called Machine, Blake hopes to be given a job as an accountant …

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