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“Epic Mickey” Video Game Debut

Just in time for the Christmas shopping season, here comes one of the newest Wii games, greatly anticipated by many, Epic Mickey. Video game veteran, Warren Spector has been unknowingly preparing for the creation of this Mickey-centric video game his entire life. An article in the Austin American Statesman, describes how a life-long obsession with Disney characters, that included a masters in Warner Bros. cartoons from the University of Texas, and a long history at the forefront of interactive story-telling through games, led to Junction Point, a studio Spector started but was bought by Disney in 2007. Out of that partnership we have Epic Mickey.

In a way this clumsy, curious mouse is the perfect protagonist for a video game, considering all the potential trouble he’s capable of getting into. And there’s something intriguing about placing bright-eyed, well-meaning Mickey in a demented “Disney Land” that he helped ruin, referred to in the game as the “Wasteland.”

Spector is behind games like System Shock and Ultima Underworld, as well as Theif: Deadly Shadows. Epic Mickey comes out Tuesday.

Here is a trailer for the game that is really quite beautiful: