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Escape from New York #2 is 2 Steps Forward, One Step Back

Escape from New York #2 is 2 Steps Forward, One Step Back


Escape from New York #2
Writer: Christopher Sebela
Art: Diego Barreto
Colours: Marissa Louise
Letters: Ed Dukeshire
Editor: Ian Brill
Publisher: BOOM! Studios

With the success of Big Trouble in Little China and Robocop, the future 80’s revival at BOOM! continues with Escape from New York. Debuting last month, Snake is back with a much stronger sophomore issue. However EFNY#2 still suffers from the same problems readers may have noticed in the first issue. Despite the minor issues, having Snake Plissken back in circulation is better than the alternative: re-watching Escape from LA on Netflix. Yikes.

After running a gauntlet thrown down in Florida, Snake finds himself quickly whisked away by the state’s tyrannical, pre-pubescent leaders. The two hedonistic despots make Snake an offer he has no choice but to refuse: serve or die. Snake chooses death. Not his, however, just those standing in the way of his peace and quiet. With escape at hand, Snake then comes face to face with Meemaw, who just so happens to be one muscular woman. So much for R & R.

Writer Sebela (Ghost, Dead Letters) is clearly a fan of the source material. The running gags set up by John Carpenter carry over with effortless grace. Sebela also manages to find more of his own voice within Carpenter’s world. While EFNY the movie set up the world, Escape from LA was a missed opportunity to further explore that. With the comic, we’ve already come to learn more about the politics of this alternate past/future than we have before. And while this may not be the first time we’ve explored Snake’s downtime between the films, this is the first time that a Snake comic series feels less a tie-in than continuation.

While the world building and story are solid, Snake finds himself surrounded by a less than stellar supporting cast. Much like the first issue, the new characters Snake aligns himself with are quickly used for cannon fodder. The actors in the films, from Ernest Borgnine to Steve Buscemi helped raise their characters above their general need: which is to progress Snake’s journey. However, Selba‘s characters aren’t blessed with the charisma of Isaac Hayes which causes the story to falter.

Another element that is holding the book back is the art team. Barreto’s pencils lack the depth needed to convey the emotions of the characters. There is nothing that makes them stand out and many of the characters eyes are seemingly shut for most of the book. The action sequences, such as the torpedo escape, liven up the pace and seem to be where most of the attention was focused. This does give the book its much needed oomph.

Fans of the film series may also notice that Louise’s cell shaded colour is completely misused here. EFNY and EFLA were both dark films despite its cartoonish violence. Heck, EFNY basically requires night vision googles to see. In this comic however the palette is a little light and feels like a missed opportunity to portray the true grit of the series. Even though the bulk of this issue takes place during the day, a palette that truly relishes in the 80’s would be more welcome. Think Michael Mann or Nicolas Winding Refn.

Escape from New York #2 is a solid read that isn’t without its drawbacks. Sebela’s building towards something big and the fun he’s having playing in Snake’s sandbox is contagious. The poor supporting class and misplaced art however keeps the book from being a ‘must-read’. Hopefully this series continues with a new art team down the road.
