Nick attempts to arrange a weekend away with Juliette, engagement ring in his pocket, but as usual, Wesen trouble intervenes.
Grimm Review, Season 1, Episode 16 “The Thing With Feathers”
Written by Richard Hatem
Directed by Darnell Martin
Airs Fridays at 9pm (ET) on NBC
As we celebrate Easter and the rising of Jesus from the dead by stuffing ourselves with chocolate, this week’s Grimm sticks to holiday mode by making it all about food, chicks, and eggs. Nick plans to cook Juliette a special meal – the same they ate on their first date – before popping the big question. Adelind Schade has Hank down on his knees and begging for a chance to take her out to dinner. In the house next door to the gorgeous log cabin Nick has booked for his romantic hideaway (where do the location guys find these places?) a cat-Wesen forcefeeds a captive bird-Wesen a minced worm smoothie (yum!). And Sergeant Wu – well he’s munching on paper clips, an unfortunate side effect of eating the enchanted cookie Adelind rustled up for Hank.
Typically, Nick doesn’t get to have his romantic break with Juliette. He ends up having to rescue the hapless bird-Wesen (the Easter chick) from the Wesen equivalent of a gold digger. I was happy that the opening quote kept it vague about exactly what the Klaustreich is hoping to get out of the Seltenvogel because it turned out to be one of those little in-jokes that make you feel part of the Grimm club. Grimm-ology also received a boost from the involvement of Monroe’s new love interest Rosalee, now running the Little Shop of Potions which belonged to her recently-deceased brother. Not only are we treated to lots of teasing references to various exotic plants and spells, having Rosalee available to hit the books and give advice spares the writers from finding a way to get Nick to the trailer every episode. It also gives Monroe motivation to sharpen up his game, because Rosalee knows more about this stuff than he does and that is not a situation that the average red-blooded Blutbad is likely to confront with aplomb.
With three plot strands now available for development each episode (Nick-Wesen, Hank-Adelind, Monroe-Rosalee) the action is tighter, as the writers don’t have to stretch out one element to cover the running time. Only one complaint – we’re still getting a new Wesen or Wesens every week and while the beasts are fun, the cast list is now full enough for the focus to turn to the interactions between them and explore in more detail just what makes them tick.
Cath Murphy