Michael Pitt, who played Mason Verger in NBC’s Hannibal, is leaving the show, according to TVLine. Joe Anderson (Across the Universe, The Divide) will continue the role of the sociopathic heir of a meat-packing dynasty who is full of himself for the third season.
Some SPOILERS for Hannibal Season 2 follow, as well as descriptions of some of the show’s graphic content.
In the second season of Hannibal, Mason was a patient of Dr. Lecter, but turned the sessions into a power struggle over his sister Margo. Dr. Lecter later drugged Mason with psychotropic medication. Mason then broke into Will Graham’s house and carved parts of his face off and fed it to the dogs, and himself.
The change in actors will probably come off surprising well, considering the character’s lack of a face.
Along with Gillian Anderson and Laurence Fishburne returning to the series, a new character will be introduced. Cordell will serve as Mason’s personal doctor, eventual henchman, and all-round creeper. Unfortunately, viewers will have to wait until late Spring 2015 to see the third season and all its glorious food porn.
Here is a picture of Joe Anderson in full makeup via TV Line: