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Happy Endings, Ep. 3.12: “The Marry Prankster”

Happy Endings, Ep. 3.12: “The Marry Prankster”

The Marry Prankster Second Pic

Happy Endings, Season 3, Episode 12: “The Marry Prankster”
Written by Jackie Clarke and Gil Ozeri
Directed by Rebecca Asher
Airs Tuesdays at 9pm and 9:30pm ET on ABC

The group plots a prank on Max to get back at him for all the pranks that he pulled on them. Winning the lottery, after a hysterical outburst from Max (which puts the definition of being a gloating winner to a tee) they inform Max that he actually did not. What seemed like a good idea obviously was not. Max informs them that they he will be avenged. And that’s exactly what we find throughout the rest of the episode, with a few other story arcs between Brad and Jane, as well as Penny and Pete (Yay for Pete making it so far!)

The Brad/Jane arc while containing a few laughs actually had more of a sentimental feel to it. Brad gets a new job, but it’s not what Jane had in mind or even envisioned for him. The way that Eliza Coupe and Damon Wayans Jr handle their characters is delightful to watch. It’s a nice change in pace to actually see some sentiment on the often zany train ride that we go on with these characters. Wayans makes us feel for Brad, he’s doing what he wants to do. Something that he needs to do, and with the way Coupe handles Jane it almost makes us angry towards her for not wanting her man to be happy. Eventually the two make up as Jane realizes just how happy the job actually makes Brad.

The other adventure that we get to taken on is with Pete and Penny. The relationship, which has been going on for several past episodes now, is finally getting taken to the next level with Pete proposing to Penny. That’s the thought at first, until Penny gets slimed and leads her to believe that it is all just a prank from Max.

From the pranks to the more emotional moments, the episode definitely delivers on all aspects. The emotional scenes are actually quite new, but refreshing territory for Happy Endings. The show has always been able to provide with zany quips and situations, but the more serious moments were always just briefly grazed upon. Having the ability to carry out the hysterical and more sentimental scenarios is done beautifully by the cast. However, it just goes to show that the writers of the show are exceptionally well at it as well.

The entire cast was on their A game with the episode, each one of them giving in excellent performances. The MVP Award, while Max was pranking everyone, would actually have to be given to Elisha Cuthbert. While she cut her hair, launched herself on a couch and vowed to be Max’s assistant, the ending revelation of her being the mastermind just sealed the deal.

All in all, the episode was great. It held a nice blend of sentiment, but still provided us with several one line zany quotes that we will be quoting until next week’s crop of new episodes. Until then, just remember the lessons taught to us in this week’s episode; support your partner’s job decisions, don’t through away a diamond ring and totally hook up a slime machine to slime your friends! Everything in life can be learned through another fantastic episode of Happy Endings.

–       Josh Bouye