“When darkness covers the kingdom, an unlikely hero will evolve and devolve to save the day in this epic 2D side-scrolling adventure.”
Adventures of Pip from Tic Toc Games is a new take on the classic side-scrolling action platformer where the main character, Pip, who despite being one pixel in a world full of 32-bit characters, is the only one brave enough to stand up to the Skeleton Queen and rescue the kidnapped princess. The game reached its $40,000 Kickstarter funding goal ahead of schedule, and as a result, the developer will port the game to Xbox, PlayStation and WiiU consoles later this year. Those lucky enough to sample the game at Pax East are already calling it the “Shovel Knight of 2015.” Like Shovel Knight, the game pays homage to the classics that we grew up loving, only unlike Shovel Knight, you play in three different forms, and can evolve and devolve Pip to solve puzzles and defeat enemies. The game features 40 levels – split across five worlds – and each is said to get progressively harder. Check out the trailers below. Adventures of Pip is set for release in May.
Switch between three different evolution forms to complete each level. Each form has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Travel through different lands in search of the Skeleton Queen. Each land has different obstacles that will require you to switch between your forms.
Rescue trapped villagers inside the levels. Different villagers can open up new shops in the village Aiding Pip in his quest.
Fight unique epic bosses in the world using your different forms. Remember bigger isn’t always better.