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Lazarus #5 Takes Spy-Fi to New Heights

Lazarus #5 Takes Spy-Fi to New Heights


Lazarus #5
Writer: Greg Rucka
Art & Letters: Michael Lark (with Brian Level)
Colours: Santi Arcas
Publisher: Image Comics

That was one heck of a long wait. Yes it really hasn’t been that long, but c’mon. A day without Forever is like a day without breathing, it’s just bad for your health. If you haven’t been following the story, then this issue is not for you. Rucka has woven an intricate plot and in the process, has built a living and breathing alternate reality. What you’re going to need to do is grab the Vol. 1 trade and catch up. Because we’re only five issues in and according to your wallet, you can afford it.

After the jaw dropping events of last issue, we return to the Carlyle compound and find Forever questioning her place amongst her family. With Jonahs betrayal, and that A-bomb of a text message she got, could anyone blame her? Meanwhile, the Waste or “underclass” citizens of the land have gathered with the hopes of being selected for the “lift”, a chance to join the family as an employee. What follows is another solid entry in this already classic series.

Rucka continues to peel back the layers of his alternative reality by once again showing his readers how little they actually know. With the introduction of the Waste, we are able to view the family from a different perspective. The infallibility of the Carlyle family is represented through their lack of Waste management. Unable to maintain order during a flood not only shows the cracks in the armour, but makes the reader wonder if family Carlyle can maintain its own stature.

On top of that, we also get a glimpse into Forever’s childhood, or lack thereof. It was admittedly underwhelming to learn that the Carlyle patriarch is a prick, though it is no surprise. By denying Forever the attention she craves, he then in returns ensures the creation of the warrior his family needs. That doesn’t mean its interesting, as it stands, we just get another dead-beat father. Wouldn’t a loving and nurturing relationship prove to be far more rewarding to the reader?

Since this issue is fairly plot based, with low emphasis on action, it’s quite impressive to see how artist Michael Lark handles the emotional aspect of the story. His characters are so well rendered that one can instantly find a connection. From subtle asides to restrained anger, the performances Lark manages to squeeze from his pencils are worthy of an acting award.


Colourist Santi Arcas ditches the glowing desert hues from last issue and switches to a more earth-tone palette which drives home the class separation even further. It’s also interesting to note the lack of clear skies in every outdoor panel and it is quite fitting. With all the tension between the characters, a storm is definitely brewing.

Lazarus #5 continues to show why its one of the best books on the shelves. It’s fully immersive and believable world offers a perfect escape for those looking for something a little different on the shelves. Rucka and Co. are taking Spy-Fi to a whole other level.
