In preparation for the 2013 Montreal Comiccon, taking place this weekend at the Palais Des Congres in the downtown area, Sound on Sight got a chance to sit down and talk with Frazer Hines. Perhaps best known for his role as Jaime McCrimmon, one of the most loved companions ever to travel through space and time on the hit television show Doctor Who, Hines has over sixty credits in film and television to his name. Counting down the days until the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who, Hines gives us his thoughts on the much anticipated BBC special.
Sound On Sight: So the 50th anniversary special of Doctor Who is coming up, any thoughts? Excited about it?
Frazer Hines: I can’t believe the show I did when I was a kid. It started off as a children’s show; five fifteen on a Saturday. And to me it was just four episodes, The Highlanders, my first story. Then my character became so popular that the BBC kept him on three years (…) so I’m so excited this year is the 50th anniversary of something I thought was just going to be another four episode job.
SoS: That’s fantastic. So what are your thoughts on Peter Capaldi as the new, and 12th, Doctor?
Hines: I think he’s going to be very good. He’s going to have a little bit of age, knowledge, but I like the fact that he’s got a twinkle in his eye as well. I think he’s going to be fun too.
SoS: So you like the change back to an older, wiser looking Doctor?
Hines: I think so, because I think that when the Doctor walks into a room with three scientists, if he looks too young, the scientists are going to say “what do you know?” You’ve got to have somebody that looks like he’s lived a few more lives and has the proper authority.
Sos: If you had a choice of working with any of the directors that have worked on Doctor Who over the years, who would it be?
Hines: Unfortunately, my favorite director is dead now. Douglas Camfield. He was great at drama, great at directing and, also, he would let you have a bit of fun as well. You want to put a bit of humour in it, he wouldn’t go “no, no, no, this is a serious set,” he would let you put a little bit of humour in.
Sos: Are there any hopes that you have for the 50th anniversary? Something you hope to see or are particularly excited about?
Hines: We’ve all been invited by the BBC to this huge arena over the weekend of the 23rd of November, which is the anniversary, so we’re all going to meet up there. I’ll just say, Doctor Who is a family (…). Whenever we meet at conventions, no matter who the companions are or doctor is, it’s never “our doctor was better than yours” or “our companions were better,” (…) and that’s the lovely thing about Doctor Who. It’s a family. Once you’re in, you’ll never be alone.
You can catch more of Frazer Hines this weekend at the 2013 Montreal Comiccon.