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Mousterpiece Cinema, Episode 47: ‘Herbie Goes Bananas’

Listeners, it’s finally come to this. After four films starring the rascally Love Bug himself, Herbie, your hosts Josh and Michael have begun to question each other’s sanity. The real culprit is the topic of this week’s podcast, the 1980 film Herbie Goes Bananas, where the supposedly lovable VW Beetle faces off against scheming thieves, an outrageously horny older woman, a stuffy cruise-ship captain, and a fuming bull. (Absolutely none of that is a lie or a joke. We promise.) For anyone hoping that Michael would, for once, succumb to the Dark Side, you may be disappointed, but you’ll get to hear Josh rage and rant like never before. This one’s an episode for the pantheon, so check out the new Mousterpiece Cinema today!


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