Mystery Girl #1
Story by Paul Tobin
Artwork by Alberto Alburquerque
Colors by Marissa Louise
Published by Dark Horse Comics
Mystery Girl #1 opens with Trine, a young woman with an astounding ability; she readily knows the answers to any question or mystery. The only thing she cannot answer is how she developed her profound power of knowing. Trine uses her special ability to act as a sidewalk detective to her local community. The only real limitation of her all-knowing power is she must be able to speak to her questioner in the flesh. The artwork from Alurquerque does a very serviceable job of helping establish setting and mood. Although the facial expression on characters can come off as a bit stiff. Writer Tobin sets up the mystery at a fair pace, but something seems to be lacking in the aspect of the plot. However, Mystery Girl #1 does hold promise for future excitement.
Trine’s story begins with the daily events in Trine’s sidewalk business. The reader gets introduced to several of Trine’s previous and ongoing cases. All of her clients appear to have the information they desire. Trine eventually closes up shop to speak with a police officer friend. At their meal time, the story reveals more about Trine’s unusual skill of just knowing information. Yet, Trine cannot tell how or why she has her new talent for being all knowing.
Alurquerque’s artwork does well with backgrounds, but his facial expressions are too stiff. For example, the design for Trine’s shop is really laid back. It is an informal setup for the sidewalk detective. Alurquerque ensures the impression by the choice of items of Trine from her birdcage for her pet to her little sign. It gives Trine a modern mystical feeling. The flaw in the artwork comes from the facial expression of the characters. Such as when Trine tries to display dismay or interest. Her face becomes too rigid and hard to read.
Mystery Girl #1 is fair for a first issue. The story has much to offer in the future and could lead into something great. The ending of the issue may appear to be meek, but with Trine’s new adventure across the world there is surely room for derring-do and danger.