Disney XD’s Senior Vice President of Programming and General Manager Marc Buhaj announced production has begun on Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, an upcoming animated-television series featuring the now popular characters introduced in the hughely successful Marvel Studios film of the same name. Some early test footage was released at NYCC and features Rocket Raccoon evading what seems to be an attack drone — as well as an appearance by Star-Lord. Additionally, Marvel and Disney XD released a poster for the series (seen above).
“The movie and franchise quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. We’re looking forward to working with the great team at Marvel Television to deliver an engaging animated series that fans can enjoy each week,” said Marc Buhaj, Senior Vice President, Programming and General Manager, Disney XD.
“This is a very exciting time for the Marvel Animation Studio as we get to explore the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe by developing the first-ever Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy animated series,” said Jeph Loeb, Head of Marvel Television. “After starring in the biggest movie of 2014, everyone wants more of Star-Lord and his crew – now they’ll get it.”