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‘The Little Prince’ is an uneven, but not meritless, adaptation

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s 1943 novella The Little Prince has long been acclaimed as a masterpiece of children’s literature, and rightfully so. In spite of the book’s ostensible target audience, Saint-Exupéry tackles adult themes such as mortality and fidelity with the same gusto with which he handles more childish whimsy. The remarkable cohesiveness of the two approaches has largely contributed to the novella’s staying power and broad appeal.

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35 Years on, ‘Thief’ Is Still Visionary

Released thirty-five years ago, Michael Mann’s Thief was an auspicious debut from an American filmmaker. Mann had actually directed a television film two years prior, but Thief represents the true start of his feature film oeuvre. The film’s style, its use of color and light, and its influential electronic score all set the template for …

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‘James Bond 007 #4: VARGR’ keeps up the story arc’s solid momentum as danger heats up

Everyone knows that Bond survives his missions. He isn’t the sort of character franchises kill off only to resurrect a few months or years down the road. 007 is, essentially, immortal, but without the cheap shock value of ‘deaths’ that will clearly be reversed shortly thereafter by fantastical means. Part of the fun is witnessing how he remains alive despite the odds, with special joy provided in discovering how he flees traps laid out by his enemies.

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Film Fury #47: ‘The Street Fighter’ is the Sonny Chiba show.

Sonny Chiba would go on to attain legendary status in martial arts cinema. His persona and acumen are still fondly cited today, decades after he put his stamp on the genre. Suffice to say that The Street Fighter is still consistently regarded as a high mark in his career, the movie that announced to any and all that were willing to pay attention that Chiba had arrived onto the scene. As far as street fighters are concerned, Ryo and Ken never knew what hit them.

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‘All-New Wolverine’ #5 is the best current superhero comic

There’s several books, particularly at Marvel, that can give All New Wolverine a run for its money when it comes to delivering fun and engaging humor, and there’s several books under the Batman group at DC that are exploring the toughest realities in a humane and nuanced way, but there aren’t any better at integrating both qualities into a single book. All New Wolverine is the pound for pound best superhero comic on the stands today.

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The Case for ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’ Winning an Oscar In One Video

I was honestly surprised when George Miller’s critically lauded Mad Max: Fury Road received a whopping ten Oscar nominations, including Best Picture. Not because I didn’t think the film didn’t deserve it, but because Fury Road seeminly had “snub of the year” written all over it. A high-octane action flick based on an 80s genre franchise? That doesn’t …

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To Better Know an Anti-Hero: Deadpool

Deadpool’s road to super-stardom, from a 90s-riffic Liefeld character to movie star and perennial bestseller is an odd, almost-unprecedented one. Without a doubt the most successful (in terms of revenue-generation, multi-media exposure and overall popularity) solo Marvel character introduced after Wolverine, Deadpool was born amidst the dying gasps of New Mutants, a series that was being put to pasture in order to transform it into X-Force, a move intended to placate superstar artist Rob Liefeld by giving him a brand new series in which he could cut loose in EXTREME 90s fashion.

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Valentine’s Day at the movies: The 10 Best Love Scenes

10. Warm Bodies  Love at First Sight Scene Directed: Jonathan Levine  Starring: Nick Hoult, Teresa Palmer    2013 A refreshing look at love springs to life in this star-crossed zombie loves human homage to Romeo and Juliet. R shuffles thru life unable to feel or express anything other than a nagging desire for flesh. During a …

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A New Rebellion Rises in Darth Vader #16

Darth Vader #16 Written by Kieron Gillen Art by Salvador Larocca Colors by Edgar Delgado Letters by Joe Caramanga Published by Marvel Comics Like the annuals of yesteryears, Darth Vader Annual #1 was seemingly a one-off story, self-contained and never to be revisited again. But it stood as arguably the best issue of the series’ first years, so the fact …

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‘Welcome Back’ #5 shifts focus to an unlikely source

Welcome Back #5 Written by Christopher Sebela Art by Claire Roe Colors by Jeremy Lawson Letters by Jim Campbell Published by Boom! Studios Man, Sebela and Roe really know how to make their audience wait for it with this book. If you just read the first volume of Welcome Back, you’ll be happy to know …

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‘The Eltingville Club’ is fandom at its most disgusting

Evan Dorkin’s Eltingville Club holds up a mirror to the dark side of fandom and doesn’t flinch. It’s basically a guide on how not to be a good fan of comics, sci-fi, fantasy, horror, and gaming written by an actual fan with plenty of geeky references and an old school humor meets underground art style. Act the opposite of Bill Dickey, and you will be golden. Because, hey, comics are fun, especially when reality sucks.

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‘The Last Contract’ #2 adds some tension by slowing down the pace

The first issue of The Last Contract introduced the main character without a name, designated only as ‘The Man.’ He was last left off on the hunt, forced out of retirement, for a blackmailer who holds some information that ties The Man and a fellow criminal named Burrell amongst others to a list of hits that, if publicized, would reveal their hidden businesses.

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