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Why is Batman Taking Notes From Dick Cheney in new ‘Batman Vs Superman’ TV-Spot?

A new TV-Spot for Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, the latest in the metric ton of advertising for the much-anticipated comic book punch-up, goes into particular detail about the Caped Crusader’s motivations and the nature of his beef with the Man of Tomorrow. But while more information on where Batman’s coming from in the central …

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Spider-Man’s Movie Costume Confirmed as the ‘Iron Spider’?

There are emerging reports indicating that Tom Hollands’s Spiderman’ Movie Costume will be used as the “Iron Spider.” The Marvel studios have signed a ground-breaking agreement with Sony pictures to bring a cinematic universe for the new Spiderman movie. Spiderman is a one of the most popular Marvel super-heroes, with a huge range of merchandise …

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‘From Dusk Till Dawn’ turns 20: Horror and the Tarantinoverse

There is a strong possibility that Quentin Tarantino has forgotten more about movies than most filmbuffs will ever know. In addition to sporting an encyclopedic knowledge of all things cinema, he is one of the most talented and respected filmmakers of his generation.

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Listen To Two Minutes of Junkie XL’s ‘Deadpool’ Soundtrack

The thing about a movie like Mad Max: Fury Road is that almost every aspect of the production felt so on-point that you could really tell that the whole team, actors, director, stunt crew, editors, camera people, EVERYONE, was totally firing on all cylinders. And Tom Holkenborg, alias Junkie XL, was no exception. Holkenborg’s pounding, …

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The Conversation: Drew Morton and Landon Palmer Discuss ‘The Day the Earth Stood Still’

The Conversation is a feature at PopOptiq bringing together Drew Morton and Landon Palmer in a passionate debate about cinema new and old. For their thirteenth piece, they discuss Robert Wise’s sci-fi classic, The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951). LANDON’S TAKE Works of Hollywood genre – be they science fiction, westerns, or gangster films – have received serious …

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‘Swiss Army Man’ Movie Review – is the Heartwarming Farting Corpse Buddy Comedy You’ve Been Waiting For

  Swiss Army Man Written and Directed by Dan Kwan and Daniel Scheinert U.S., 2016 One of the hopes that people come to the Sundance Film Festival with is that they will see something wholly unique, something that they have never seen or imagined before. Swiss Army Man is that film. This feeling happens pretty quickly, as …

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Mad Max and the Lack of Furious Backlash | Cinema 101

The prestige releases of awards season and the high-gloss trashiness of summer blockbuster season have one thing in common: they both cause movie fans to ride a circle of hype after any given movie is released, with many films going from highly praised amongst audiences, to being the cause of a vocal backlash in the …

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New TV Spot for ‘Warcraft’ Drops During NFL Championship Game

If sports are good for anything, they’re pretty good for sticking around for the commercial breaks and catching TV spots for the big movies coming out in the spring and summer. Excitement for the video game film adaptation Warcraft ignited when the first full trailer came out for it back in November. That excitement has now been …

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Contemplating Jokers and Weeds in ‘Batman’ #48

Batman #48 Written by Scott Snyder Drawn by Greg Capullo and Danny Miki Colored by FCO Plascencia Lettered by Steve Wands Published by DC Comics The latest issue of the “Superheavy” story arc doesn’t even feature a Batman in it. Gotham’s current Batman Jim Gordon doesn’t even have a cowl to wear in this issue. …

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Open Sesame: The X-Files Season 1’s Mythology

Editor’s note: This article was originally published on July 16, 2015 Approximately four months ago, X-Files fans everywhere collectively freaked out as Fox announced its plan for a six-episode revival of the series, more than a decade after the show had ended. An actual UFO sighting could doubtfully cause such an effect from hardcore aficionados …

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Hive of Scum #3: ‘Midnight Menagerie’ Part 2

At long last, we come to the writing portion. Still with me? Not bored by my great wall o’ words? Good! As I said before, Midnight Menagrie is a horror comic for a teenage audience. I mean, hint-hint at the PG-13 rating. The comic starts off by introducing Shawn, the main protagonist. He’s the son …

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