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Friday Noir #146: ‘The Racket’ ratchets up strong tension between Mitchum and Ryan

The Racket tackles on a subject matter that can be rather confounding for unsuspecting viewers hoping to relish in a good old fashioned yarn about two tough guys having a blistering tête-à-tête from start to finish. Make no mistake, the battle between the film’s chief protagonist and antagonist does transpire, and the scenes in which both actors face off against each other explode with tension, only that director James Cromwell and the duo of screenwriters painstakingly depict nearly every aspect of municipal corruption they see fit in order to properly, if in somewhat convoluted fashion, present the facts of the case to the audience.

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Double-Oh Comics #009: ‘The Black Ruby Caper’ sees Bond Africa-bound

The title to this 9th and final story included in Omnibus 004 is a bit of a misnomer. More accurately, it is a collection of a term, name, and colour that together combined make it sound as if Bond will be involved in an adventure with a heist as its focal point, be it as an agitator or protector of whatever is sought after. The caper in question is only fleetingly important and dealt with very early in the story as Bond and Kew successfully retrieve from Herr Rubin’s office a little book with information protected by code language that requires demystification.

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How “The X-Files: Fight the Future” Reminded Us of the Bigness of Cinema

Very few hit television shows make the transition to the big screen. Even fewer make it while the show it still on the air. The X-Files had that distinction in the summer of 1998 when it’s first movie, dubbed Fight the Future for marketing, was released on June 19. At a hearty length of 122 …

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‘Thundercrack!’: Bizarre underground cinema at its weirdest!

Thundercrack! Directed by Curt McDowell Written by George Kuchar USA, 1975 When one looks at the underground cult film scene of the 1960s and 1970s, the names Mike Kuchar and George Kuchar definitely come to mind. Twin-brothers who have spent the majority of their lives making short films, Mike and George utilized over-the-top titles and …

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Lunch Plans and Cosmic Villains make ‘Starbrand and Nightmask’ #2 a blast

Starbrand and Nightmask #2 fits the niche of being a slice-of-life comic with superhero undertones to great effect. Lowering two of the strongest Marvel Heroes to such a relatable level is an achievement, and let’s hope the good times can continue for Kevin and Adam.

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Most Anticipated Comics of 2016: Dark Jem Arc of ‘Jem and the Holograms’

The biggest reason I’m hyped for Dark Jem is the return of artist Sophie Campbell. The cover designs for the “dark” versions of the band members are deliciously gothic. The normal pastel palette has been replaced by a largely black and white one with subdued pastel highlights. The characters are harder-edged with tattered detail work on their clothing.

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‘Faith’ #1 is delightful jumping on point

Even without previous knowledge of Harbinger, the first issue of the Faith miniseries is an absolute delight. It could have been way too easy to take a character like Faith and turn her into a one-note joke, but Houser, Portela, and Sauvage flesh out her character so much in a wonderful introduction story

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