One of the unexpected comedic hits of the Fall 2011 tv session was the Fox sitcom New Girl. Originally advertised as a star vehicle for up-and-coming actress Zooey Deschanel, the show, created by No Strings Attached scribe Elizabeth Meriwether, quickly found a voice as an ensemble comedy, with co-stars Jake M. Johnson, Max Greenfield, and Hannah Simone garnering acclaim for their performances as well. The second season of the show has continued the upward descent in both ratings and critical acclaim, leading to a recent third season pickup by the network. On the heels of this renewal, the cast and crew sat down at PaleyFest 2013 to discuss what to expect from the show for the rest of the season and beyond.
– The writers admitted that Nick and Jess was a coupling that was inevitable from the start due the chemistry between the actors, despite their efforts
– The writers remained tight-lipped on whether there were wedding bells in Cece’s future, despite her engagement.
– The audience hasn’t seen the last of Nick’s zombie detective novel, nor has Julius Pepperwood made his last appearance.
– Rob Reiner is slated to make a return in an upcoming episode, and the writers are interested in bringing back Jamie Lee Curtis as well.
– Nick’s family will also be explored later this season, as the group visits Chicago. Margo Martindale and Nick Kroll are slated to guest star on the episode.
– Dermot Mulroney is slated to make a return this season as well.
These, and many other details, were discussed at the panel, which can be seen below. The show airs Tuesdays at 9 pm EST on Fox, and you can read our reviews here of the episodes to date, as well as upcoming episodes as they air.