Tim Doyle has created seven incredible art prints inspired by the movies of Quentin Tarantino for the upcoming art show put on by Spoke Art opening Thursday in New York City. As fans of both the Coen brothers and Tarantino, we’ve been following the show for a few weeks now, posting some of the great art work. These specific prints will be 12 x 24 with a signed and numbered edition of 175.
For Quentin vs. Coen, Spoke Art has arranged a battle-royal style art show featuring over 100 world class artists from the new contemporary art scene. Painters, screen printers and digital artists were invited to reinterpret their favourite scenes, characters and films from the heralded directors, resulting in an eclectic showing of inspirational fine art.
Prints will be for sale at the show and online after the show HERE.
The show opens on Thursday, April 7th at Bold Hype Gallery in New York City and will be on view until Saturday, April 9th.
What: “Quentin vs. Coen – an art show tribute to Tarantino and the Brothers”
When: April 7th, 8th and 9th
Where: Bold Hype Gallery – 547 W 27th Street, fifth floor. New York, NY 10001
Here is six of the seven prints. Head over to Inside the Rock Poster Frame to see more.