Rebels #2
Written by Brian Wood
Art by Andrea Mutti
Colors by Jordie Bellaire
Published by Dark Horse Comics
Rebels is starting to gain some traction and we see it especially in the relationship between Seth and Mercy. While Seth is away, Mercy must make sure all the chores are done and the house doesn’t burn. She feels like the adult, and Seth is the child, who gets to run away from responsibility and run around with his friends. On the other side of the coin, though, Seth is trying to help with the revolution.
The relationship between these two is much more interesting than the action scene in this issue. Sure, sinking a large ship full of concrete slabs seems fun, but it falls flat. This action is one small scene within a whole revolution, whereas Seth and Mercy’s relationship is tangible and won’t end when the revolution is over. There’s no reason for Seth to go to Virginia or the Carolinas to help—that’s just who he is—a fighter and a provocateur to the end. Mercy knows she can be annoyed by Seth, but ultimately she must let him run free to do what he needs to do. She may be alone in a new house but she is cultivating the home to which he will ultimately return. The path may be bumpy right now but the hope is peace and love in the future. Mercy wants to stop Seth but he is his best when he’s doing what is right, not what is easy.
Brian Wood’s script continues to be filled with action and suspense. While the action sequences are overshadowed by the heart in Mercy and Seth’s interactions, it’s still exciting to read about a few men taking down a large ship. The last lines of the issue are also chilling as we don’t know what price will have been paid to being literal sitting ducks on Lake Champlain for the revolutionaries.
The artwork by Andrea Mutti is detailed and at points free-flowing, lovely and also chaotic. The personal scenes between Seth and Mercy are tranquil which is juxtaposed by the ship-sinking scene that is tense and extremely quick. The colors by Jordie Bellaire help with these scenes. Whereas the swimming scene is bright and delicate, the marauding of the ship is dark and suffocating.
Rebels #2 continues its path as an enjoyable read for those who love action and adventure. There is much more heart in this issue hopefully that will continue. Seth and Mercy’s love will be tested just as the revolutionaries by the factions of war.