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Rian Johnson’s Pitch Reel for his latest effort, ‘Looper’, now released

Rian Johnson’s Pitch Reel for his latest effort, ‘Looper’, now released

Director Rian Johnson has been slowly gaining acclaim in the film community for his unique feature films, which he also writes, the latest of which is the Bruce Willis and Joseph Gordon-Levitt starring time travel thriller Looper. Before a film can go into production, however, directors are expected to create a Pitch Reel that effectively demonstrates their vision for the project to studio executives who will greenlight the final product and/or their involvement in them. Over the past few months, Pitch Reels from various directors who ultimately didn’t land the project they were looking for have been released; however, Rian Johnson’s Pitch Reel from Looper has now been made available to the public, and can be seen below.

via /Film

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