BBC News reports that Sean Bean will star in a new six-part event series titled Frankenstein Chronicles, a crime drama that will reimagine the classic tale. The series is created by Benjamin Ross (RKO 281), who will direct the first episode, and will be written by Frank Doelger, who has written episodes of Game of Thrones and Rome.
Variety describes the series as being “set in London in 1827 with Bean playing Inspector John Marlott. It opens with the discovery of the corpse of a child that turns out to be a crude assembly of body parts. Marlott accepts the challenge to track the perpetrator of this crime”.
“Marlott’s investigation takes him into the dark corners of Regency London,” Ross said. “He discovers an underworld of prostitution, drug smuggling, bodysnatching, and murder for profit. The rational evidence points first one-way and then another as he contemplates a frightening alternate scenario.”
Dr. Frankenstein and his monster can now be seen on this year’s first season of Penny Dreadful (which you must check out, because it is excellent) and Universal will likely be rebooting the film franchise soon along with their other monsters.