Sound On Sight is seeking contributors who wish to review and report on the newest video game releases, running the gamut from Xbox One and PS4 titles to smaller indie games and everything in between. We’re looking for contributors interested in writing feature stories, reviews, previews, historical context and more about one of the fastest growing mediums in entertainment: games. Writers can pitch story ideas and/or request assignments. We are looking for talented writers who can help us stimulate thought and inspire discussion by providing a continuous flow of opinion, insight and original content for our readers. We are also seeking a seasoned video game podcaster looking for a new home for their show. 2012 was a big year for us, and with the launch of our new comics section, we hope 2013 can be even bigger.
If you would like to contribute, email us at [email protected] with a writing sample. Thank you for taking interest.
Please note: While your contribution may occasionally offer ancillary benefits (such as press badges, comics ahead of release and various types of shwag), we can’t guarantee much beyond exposing your name in what is one of the newest and fastest growing, independently owned pop-culture websites. With that said, many of our writers have gone on to use their experience in writing for Sound On Sight to help break their way into a career in journalism and film criticism.