Sega’s 3D remastered series takes classic games and adds stereoscopic 3D effect, widescreen, and new modes and features. Today Sega has confirmed that Streets of Rage 2, Gunstar Heroes and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 will be joining the steadily-growing ranks of Sega’s retro remasters, which already includes the likes of Sonic the Hedgehog, Fantasy Zone, Space Harrier, Out Run, Altered Beast and Fantasy Zone. The side-scrolling beat ’em up Streets of Rage 2, which releases in in July, is regarded as the best entry in the franchise, and introduced two new characters: Max Thunder and Eddie “Skate” Hunter (known as Sammy Hunter in Japan), brother of Adam Hunter from the original game. It was critically acclaimed upon release and has since been listed among the best games ever made. The run and gun Gunstar Heroes is set for release in August, and Sonic The Hedgehog 2, which represented the debut of character Miles “Tails” Prower, releases in September. Fantasy Zone II is also on the way for release April 16 and Thunder Blade releases May 14.
Just like the previously released arcade classics, each game in the series delivers a full-fledged re-mastered vintage experience, stunning 3D visuals and optimized for the platform. All games in the series will include brand new modes and features, letting you play the game how you remember it but also in an entirely new way. All games will be priced at MSRP $5.99/€4.99/£4.49 and will be available for download in the Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.