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‘Splatoon’ previews its online features with the Global Test Fire

‘Splatoon’ previews its online features with the Global Test Fire


If you were lucky enough to catch one of the three free sessions of the Splatoon Global Test Fire, you delved into some of the most charming and competitive ink-based action of all time. So how did Splatoon hold up during these online test runs. It should go without saying that if you were on the fence about Splatoon beforehand, playing these online matches is cements the upcoming shooter as a must-play title.

Without a doubt, the meat of Splatoon is going to be found in its online components, and Nintendo has to make sure things will be running as smoothly as possible upon launch. It also serves to prove that Splatoon‘s online is worthy of all the hype.

Upon first booting up, the game gives you a quick tutorial about the basics of the game; shooting, jumping, squid swimming and controlling the camera.  The first problem most people will notice is how controlling the camera is partly stuck to the gamepad’s gyroscope. You can still move the camera along the horizontal axis using the right control stick, but moving the camera vertically will have the player turning the gamepad upward and downward. While the gyroscope takes some time to get used to, it still seemed to get in the way during various sessions as sudden jerks of the gamepad require constant re-centering on the part of the player. It would be recommended that Nintendo opt to give us full control of the right camera stick and leave gyroscope controls as an optional feature.

Before starting a match, the game will have you customize your own personal inkling. Of course, you will only get the basics but the game promises much more customizable and purchasable outfits and accessories through in-game shops upon release.

Now comes the tricky part, and the key to success of being totally dominant in a match-up of Splatoon; weapon selection. The splattershot charger is used for precision-based attacking, allowing the player to snipe and cover a certain area or take out an enemy inkling. The roller is a defensive weapon, used primarily for taking control of a large amount of the battlefield. The regular splattershot is a good mixture of both offensive and defensive combat, being able to take a good amount of territory as well as fight off against enemy inklings. As it stands, the splattershot is definitely the go-to weapon to getting a hold on Splatoon‘s competitive gameplay.

The sub-weapons most people will use are the mines and bombs. Both are great for stopping an oncoming assaults from the opposing team. Be aware of these as they are thrown out onto the battlefield, since they will force you to flee as fast as possible before you can regroup and attack again.


Don’t forget to make use of your special weapons as well. They can be real game-changers if you use them correctly. Once the player fills up their special meter by spreading as much ink as possible, a special attack can be unleashed upon the battlefield. The offensive attack, Killer Wail, unleashes a giant spiral sound wave that annihilates anyone it its path. The defensive orb will leave your inkling indestructible for the time being, allowing for an unhindered assault upon the enemy’s territory. Be prepared for an undeniable shake-up once these special weapons start appearing in the arena.

Splatoon‘s online multiplayer is definitely its shining aspect and Nintendo didn’t disappoint with their online showcase these past two days.

After a few attempts at trying to find a match, the game will search for eight other players. Meanwhile, you are treated to a cute little 8-bit style game where you control a squid jumping higher and higher on platforms in the sky, trying to avoid rising water. Not sure why a squid would want to avoid water unless it’s not water but like acid or something. Anyway, it’s a neat little addition and keeps the player from having to stare at a screen with random names coming in and out.

Finally the fight begins! The first thing to notice is which weapons your teammates have and come up with a strategy based around that. Many times I saw rollers covering a large amount of territory with two splattershotters behind covering the inkling. Or a splattershot charger will be hiding on top of a large box, waiting for a precision shot on any enemy trying to make it into friendly grounds. Of course, if your team consists of nothing but rollers or chargers, victory might be a bit tougher. (Much like entering a Team Fortress 2 match with a team of snipers and spies.)

Swimming around as a squid in your team’s ink feels natural and keeps the game from being a slow-paced shooting fest. Using the squid form to counter enemies, escape from trouble, or launch a dastardly sneak attack, gives the game much more depth.

These global test fires for Splatoon were certainly convincing that the main game is something to be excited for. Online ran smoothly after finding servers and there weren’t any noticeable hiccups after that. Splatoon just might be Nintendo’s big surprise hit, and it will certainly give the Wii U a much needed presence in the online scene.