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Suburgatory, Ep 2.19 “Decemberfold”

Suburgatory, Ep 2.19 “Decemberfold”

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Suburgatory, Episode 2.19 “Decemberfold”
Written By: Andrew Guest
Directed By: Linda Mendoza
Airs Wednesdays at 8:30pm ET on ABC

Tonight’s episode of Suburgatory was one of the weirdest detours for the series, but none the less funny. It was fun seeing characters like Dalia and George have to deal with situations we’d never seen them in. The main plot of the episode centered around the “Dad’s of Chatswin” calendar shoot for the Mother’s Against the Defamation of Undiluted Apple Juice. Naturally, all of the dads become super competitive and begin angling for the coveted Decemberfold slot. At the beginning of the episode, George doesn’t think much of the calendar, so it was hilarious to see him morph into this figure obssessed, calorie counting guy. We’ve not had to deal with George in this sort of vain capacity (that’s often reserved for Noah whose spraypainted abs were a highlight of the episode) and so it was surprising the lengths he took, even going so far as to blow off Dallas and ingore her. Of course, George gets the coveted spot and realizes that he’s been treating everyone bad and makes apologies to everyone, including Dallas, with whom he shares a pie.

Meanwhile in B plot, but far more interesting show-wise  land, the arrival of Noah’s daughter Jenna stirs up some trouble and a plot reveal I didn’t see coming. After Dalia catches Tessa and Jenna hanging out, she begins being nice to Tessa and tweeting about their every interaction (having Lisa Shay discover this from a Catfish like twitter profile she created was genius). Tessa confronts Dalia about it and Dalia says that she got jealous because she used to be close with Jenna. Which Jenna confirms a bit later and also reveals that her and Dalia are ex’s! Dalia, again catching them hanging out, is upset but actually listens to Tessa when she offers her advice about moving on. Lisa Shay breaks into Dalia’s room near the end of the episode and finds that Dalia has turned her obsession from Jenna to Tessa’s father, having an entire drawer dedicated to pictures of the two of them together.

There’s sure to be a showdown coming between Dalia and Tessa over George and it will be interesting to see how Suburgatory can make this situation both heartfelt and hilarious.