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SuperHot brings fresh element to first person shooters

SuperHot brings fresh element to first person shooters

Time moves when you move.


Blue Brick


It is rare for a first-person-shooter to feel like anything but a point and shoot game, but SuperHot manages to add a refreshing spin to an old genre-time.  Time moves only when you do.

This time bending game is brought to you by the crafty minds at Blue Brick who churned out this minimalistic masterpiece in a week during this years 7 Day First Person Shooter Challenge. Considered Braid with guns by Kotaku AustraliaSuperHot deserves recognition for spicing up a classic game mechanic.


The manipulation of time may seem like simply pressing pause on the surface, it certainly does not feel that way in game. Starting and stopping the flow of time must be strategically planned out. One cannot help but feel a rush of adrenaline as you plot out your killing order. The only object that defies your will to stop time are bullets, those suckers keep moving towards you no matter how still you stand.

Switching up the dynamics of the genre isn’t the only thing SuperHot has going for it. A stylishly simple design creates an environment that allows players to focus on the task at hand, rather than getting lost in the details. Perhaps one of the most rewarding things about the game is watching the enemy unravel and disappear in a spectacular red mist when shot.

superhot 2If you favor an ammo counter, this game may make you squirm. You need to keep track of your own bullets. Fear not, you can always disarm someone or pick up a weapon from the floor. So you are never empty handed for too long. There are no save points at the moment, which means if you want to see the end, you need to play it all in one sitting.

The demo, though short, leaves players baffled about the games current ending, and begging for a more logical conclusion. Which is exactly what Blue Brick was counting on.

In fact SuperHot earned enough support  from eager players to receive a greenlight from Steam in only five days, and is in the process of being made into a full fledged PC game. In the mean time you can practice your time bending prowess at

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