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Supernatural, Season 9, Episode 3: “I’m No Angel” focuses on the grace-less Castiel

Supernatural, Season 9, Episode 3: “I’m No Angel” focuses on the grace-less Castiel
Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Stefano Giulianetti

Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Stefano Giulianetti

Supernatural, Season 9, Episode 3: “I’m No Angel”
Written by Brad Buckner and Eugenie Ross-Leming
Directed by Kevin Hooks
Airs Tuesdays at 9pm (ET) on The CW

Among the falling of angels that ended Season 8, the incident of Castiel losing his grace and becoming human seemed like a minor point. Regardless of its perceived scale, however, it was nonetheless a huge upheaval for the angel, who once again paid a heavy price for trusting the wrong individual. Compounding the difficulty of adjusting to his human state, Castiel was also forced into becoming a fugitive by angels looking for vengeance. This week’s episode picks up on his struggles, as well as how angels are finding their bearings on Earth, in another solid episode that proves things are only about to get more difficult for the Winchesters and Castiel.

Watching how angels are adjusting to being cast out of Heaven is a fascinating aspect of this week’s episode. It’s interesting to note how Bartholomew’s methods differ from similar-minded peers of his, such as Naomi and Zachariah, and falls much more on the evil side of things. While their goal, that of finding Castiel, is clear, their turn into brutality makes them a much more unpredictable entity, and one that is bound to affect the relationship amongst supernatural entities (as this very episode shows, some Reapers are now in a different line of business, which is just one example of the change brought about). As Angels are much more powerful than demons, it will be interesting to see if Crowley and co. end up becoming the lesser evil as the season progresses. The demons already have a step up in this regard, as they are not hunting down Castiel as yet, but nonetheless remain untrustworthy forces at the very least, or worse, in the case of Abaddon. The Winchesters have some difficult decisions ahead of them, and how they proceed promises to be compelling.

Misha Collins, Stefano Giulianetti

Misha Collins, Stefano Giulianetti

Watching Castiel’s struggles with being human also successfully straddles the line between being funny and poignant. Of all the angels, Castiel is perhaps the best equipped to be human, having spent the most time on Earth (short of Gabriel and Anna), and even a stretch in Season 7 with no memory of being an angel. The difficulties he’s having despite these circumstances, however, effectively drive home the nuances between humans and angels, without making it heavy-handed. It is believable that the longer Angels spend on Earth, the more human they will become, and if this is in fact the case, how other angels cope with this change, particularly those who are eager to get back into Heaven, is worth keeping an eye on.

The possibility of Castiel being the key to unlocking the gates of Heaven is a theory that cannot be discounted. His grace being an ingredient in Metatron’s trials might mean that his survival is necessary for anyone hoping to get back into Heaven, which may cause the angels to split into two factions; those who would fight to keep Castiel alive, and those who intend to punish him for his role in the trials. If this ends up becoming the case, it might throw the power dynamic among supernatural creatures further into chaos, and whether or not the angels end up split on how to deal with Castiel, or if they leave him out in the cold, will be something to see.

Misha Collins, Shannon Lucio

Misha Collins, Shannon Lucio

Overall, this is another strong addition to a great start for the season. The dynamic between Ezekiel and Dean is fascinating to watch, and the co-existence of Sam and Ezekiel in the same body continues to be interesting, in large part due to the work of Jared Padalecki. The tension between Ezekiel and Castiel reveals a new layer to the angel as well, further cementing the idea that he is not being entirely honest with Dean, and how Dean deals with this promises to be compelling. The new role of select reapers also throws a new variable into the season’s proceedings, particularly with their ability to bypass angel-proofing signs. It’s possible that Crowley or Abaddon might recruit some freelance Reapers to their side, which would make them much more powerful, and turn their fight in an unexpected direction. How Castiel continues to deal with being human and hunted, especially with the Winchesters retracting their support, as well as how Dean and Ezekiel’s alliance evolves in light of this week’s events, is worth continuing to tune in for.

– Deepayan Sengupta